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Flag Football winter registration..

V8 Beast

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Any interest in playing again? Starts 16th or 17th depending on what division we are in.


Mens rec division is Mondays after 8pm

Mens comp is Sunday after 6pm.


It would $75 to play. With that $75 you will play at least 10 games. If we get the same team we had from before we need a long snapper and a bull rusher. You are allowed to make contact on the line so we need some big bodies!

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Voting so far..


Brian - In Mondays after 8

Steve - In Mondays after 8

Duff - In Mondays after 8

Dave - out for now

Ice - In Mondays after 8

Brandon - In Mondays after 8

Leigh - In Mondays after 8

Open -

Open -

Open -

Open -

Edited by V8 Beast
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Humm I may have some intrest in this. Played my freshman year up at Bowling Green with all my baseball team mates and had a blast with it. My credentials are I have sub 4.5 speed even now as a smoker, I am 6'3 and can catch anything you throw up close to me and I can throw a football 60 or so yards. The minus is I have no lisence except for privledges so I would have to work out a way to get to the games. Humm this would be alot of fun though and would help make the winter go by alot faster.
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I'm in for Monday. Where are the games played at?




Estimated quickness on a scale of 1-10


Able to pay $75 by next Monday?

Football background?


No need to answer publicly, just shoot me a pm. Trying to fill a few skill sets.

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