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Michigan Hires Brady Hoke


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D1 to D1 transfer in NCAA, he would not sit out any games.


yes he would, ask Ryan Mallet...ask Justin Boren who had to sit out a year after transfering to OSU. Ask the CB from FSU transfering to OSU who had to sit out last year. D1 to D2 he wouldn't have to sit out any games is what you meant. Hell even highschool kids have to sit out a year if they transfer. I looked into transfering my sophmore year and would've had to sit out my Jr year, thus the reason I stayed at my home school in the end.


From OHSAA website:


"The basic transfer bylaw is really quite simple. If a student transfers (changes) high schools at any time after establishing eligibility as a ninth grader (either by attending a school for five days or playing in a fall sport prior to the beginning of school), the student is INELIGIBLE at the new high school for ONE YEAR from the date of enrollment. Understanding that basic rule is fundamental to dealing with transfer students."

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If you follow recruiting you should watch and see what happens when a kid from the south commits to a b10 school, he goes down a star ranking, becomes over rated and loses about 3-5 tenths off his 40 time lol.


Ohio produces Buckeyes, pros


Ohio State averaged 8½ wins and 4.9 draft picks per year in the 13 seasons before Jim Tressel became head coach in 2001.


Since Tressel took over, the Buckeyes have averaged 10.4 wins and 7.8 draft picks a year. Recruiting is key, and while Tressel says "I don't know if we are doing anything magical," he concedes his staff might devote more time evaluating recruits than some schools.


"We spend a lot of time ranking recruits and watching extra film," Tressel says. "We spend extra time getting to know them, talking to their high school coach, talking to opposing coaches."


Tressel targeted players from Ohio in his first recruiting class because "the 2002 class was just extraordinary."


Nine Buckeyes from that class were drafted in 2006, including five first-round picks, four of whom played high school football in Ohio: linebackers A.J. Hawk and Bobby Carpenter, center Nick Mangold and safety Donte Whitner.


Tressel didn't recruit every Ohio State player that was drafted since 2002, but 70% of Ohio State's draft picks during Tressel's tenure are from Ohio. All eight Buckeyes drafted in 2007 — Tressel's recruits — were from the state.


"Our football here is very important culturally," Tressel says. "The coaching is very good. We do a good job recruiting our home state plus the border states and recruiting hotbeds like Florida, Georgia and Texas. We'll go wherever we can to get great players."


While just eight of Ohio State's draft picks under Tressel are from Florida and Texas, 2008 marked the first time one of his recruiting classes is filled with more out-of-state players than in-state — Florida, Georgia and Texas are represented.


We manufacture pro's, no matter where they're from. :)

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Believe Tate will not be returning. Read that he's not enrolled for winter classes and is no longer in the student directory. But this was all decided before Hoke was hired hence his ineligibility for their bowl game.


Forcier is being reported to no longer be on the team due to academics. I just heard this on the radio this morning.


I think with even a decent defense that Rich Rod would still have a job. With the right players the read option is a very successful and hard to defend and scores come quickly. With Steve Slaton, Owen Schmitt, and Pat White they were nearly unstoppable offensively at WVU. Look at Oregons offense. Denard had 1500+ yrds rushing and 1500+ passing this season. They have good receivers and pretty good backs. If they had any level of defense they would have been a completely different team. Michigan had the worst three years of defense in the history of their program,three years in a row. The blow out in this years bowl game was just icing on the cake. Now they have a defensive minded coach, a players coach. This program is going to turn around within the next few years.

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Yenner I agree we are a factory for putting kids in the pros, that was never my point. My point is, when an out of state kid or any kid for that matter commits to tOSU they fall in ranking. Braxton Miller went from a 5 star to a 4 start after committing on one of the recruiting sites
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I heard Hoke didnt even know the starting salary when he said yes. Of course it could be a rumor so who knows.


I think its an 'ok' hire, not jim harbough or les miles good but ok. He's a "MICHIGAN MAN" whatever the fuck thats suppose to mean, so i guess thats what they wanted. Regardless it will take time for him to recruit and even when he does they will all be young and inexperienced so it'll be a few years before they'll be able to field a really competetive team.

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