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Go Patriots!!

Forrest Gump 9

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Yup, I'm a New England Patriots fan!! I like them even before I understand the game of football. I like them back when Drew Bledsoe was their QB. I like them way back when Pete Carol was their coach......


Alright, enough with that crap. My predictions for today are


-Seattle will win out right again the over-rate, over-hype Chicago Bears

-New England Patriots will win out right again the loud mouth, over paid NY Jets. But the game will not be a blow out, probably by 3 points.


Have fun and enjoy the game.


DAMNIT see what kind of quality threads I miss when i dont check CR regularly.


Im a JETS fan, have been since birth. My dad would take us all to watch their pre-season practice when they practiced at Hofstra. At least I think they did, it was so long ago I was pretty small and dont remember much. Other than that I was born then told to root for the JETS. So you could imagine my excitement when we won sunday. I fucking hate Tom Brady.


However I dont really agree with the whole "show boating", talking a big talk and acting cocky all the time. Personally thats not how i think it a pro team should act but I think there was a bigger plan in place. The Patriots are the opitome of a system team and Belicek seems like he would be a big micromanager so I can kinda understand if Rex Ryan had this strategy to get under their skin all week long, and I will give Wes Welker props for the "footy" interview, that was funny. Fuck Tom Brady

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