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Fuck cosmoline!

Guest GMoney

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Guest 614Streets
I thought you bought a mosin but no mosin is 32 years young.


I'm about to buy my 2nd mosin at vances since they are on sale. Then it gets anti cosmoline bath.


FTW I bought my MOSIN from vances 2 weeks ago. Picked up some cosmo remover too and 100 rds.

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A few hundred rounds will take that shit right out of the important parts.....win


Yeah, only go that route if you enjoy slamfires, seeing how thats what SKSs are notorious for when they don't get the cosmo cleaned out of the firing pin.


GMoney - don't listen to this guy. Instead, read this:



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Gmoney- dont listen to this guy. instead, read this.





Dishwasher method:




I posted the wrong link the first time, oh well.


And this is why you don't fire an SKS dirty:



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I've done the dishwasher route...but I wouldn't do it again. Removing cosmo from metal is easy...any number of products will work, brake cleaner is good enough. But wood is difficult since it soaks into the grain. The best way I've found to get cosmo out of wood is heat...wrap the stock in paper towels, shove it in a black garbage bag, and leave it in the sun during summertime. Since it isn't summer now, maybe find which of your heating ducts gets warmest and leave it in there for a couple days?
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I'm not worried about the wood, as stated in one of my posts i have purchased the entire Tapco stock setup with all kinds of mounting rails and what not. I am also not concerned about slam fired yet, i am super anal about cleanliness of all my stuff including my guns.


I have been working on the cosmo on the metal for about 1 hour so far and am about half way done. I have sprayed everything with WD40, cuts the comso like right now and doesn't trash my gloves or hands like the brake cleaner, followed up with Hops 9, and then some really good Lucus gun oil. Then start the process over because i cut off all the genade launcher, bayonet, and carring straps/mounts after the gun was clean enough to touch. I will prolly have to do this Hops9 and gun oil a third time to get it where i want it...

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Cosmoline melts at a low temperature and can be removed with a little heat. It's easy to do in the summer just buy leaving it out in the sun on a rack or on something that will absorb the cosmoline. A hair dryer might help.


You should hang onto the original parts in case you ever want to re-sell the rifle. It's MUCH easier to sell an original matching rifle than one with aftermarket parts.

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