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WTF!? Seriously?!


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A 13-year old has sex with not one, but TWO of his teachers. Seriously?! WTF?! I'm sick of seeing this crap in the news, because it makes teachers out to be a bunch of pedophiles. While that may be the case for the two teachers mentioned in the clip, why couldn't they have gone into another profession? What this means now is that the government will put out more precautionary/preventative hoops to jump through which will only punish the good teachers who just want to teach. In the meantime, the new measures they take to prevent this crap will actually do nothing but make it a pain the ass just to renew your teaching license every five years.

I would like to know the statistic for how many of teachers who have been caught with a student had a criminal background prior to the incident. I know that it was in the news at one point, prior to the last set of hoops, that these gross pedophile teachers could jump to another state after being dismissed from a school district and the new school district could possibly never find out. In that case, I think it's the fault of the personnel director. Punish him for not being thorough. Anyway, this crap is getting old. Seriously.

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I must admit, I am half-way interested to see what the kid involved looks like. Is he overweight, nerdy and full of zits?

FTR, I agree though, it's not right.

As a male though and knowing how I was at that age, it would've been a dream come true...:lol: Although, I probably would've been so nervous at that age that nothing could've happened. :lol:

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