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Cops Poll


I feel about cops:  

88 members have voted

  1. 1. I feel about cops:

    • They're mostly elitist pigs - I am over 25
    • They're mostly elitist pigs - I am under 25
    • They're mostly looking out for me - I am over 25
    • They're mostly looking out for me - I am under 25

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How does age justify anything? Is my opinion less sensible because I am young, I don't seem to be to young to go over seas? So do tell? What point are you trying to make? My mother is a cop and I can't say she is an "elitist pig" but hell even she can admit that the FREEWAY police have something wrong with them. I in no way have a bad taste in my mouth for all police officers, because like them they have different tasks. But those who are tasked to sit on freeways and right bullshit tickets and harass good people can burn in hell. Great poll........
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wait this is rigged. wheres the option for they're officers of the law, and deserve respect and dignity.


id love to be a cop, it would be so prestigious.



edit, oops i read it wrong, thought it said theyre out looking for me LOL

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I guess we can sum up all of these threads as treat people with respect. If the cop is giving you shit politely ask for the badge number and report them. Be the bigger person and follow the appropriate actions to lift up any concerns about the way you or someone you know may have been treated.



Question.. does the lowest rank military personel out-rank the lowest ranked police officers? What happens if a cop is being a dick to someone in the military? Do they have to treat them with repect too, or since they risked their life as well are they allowed to be an ass back?

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Not really sure as to what that means, I just believe the poll to be worded incorrectly?


Here, I'll expand for you...


Someone posts a poll, and you write a paragraph about you, your age, your service, your mom, your thoughts...


start your own poll if you don't think mine was worded correctly? Everyone else seems to have understood the poll?


PS. Milf cops are HOT!

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I guess we can sum up all of these threads as treat people with respect. If the cop is giving you shit politely ask for the badge number and report them. Be the bigger person and follow the appropriate actions to lift up any concerns about the way you or someone you know may have been treated.



<insert Rafiki Voice> WRONG AGAIN! Bitch on the internet :)



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Here, I'll expand for you...


Someone posts a poll, and you write a paragraph about you, your age, your service, your mom, your thoughts...


start your own poll if you don't think mine was worded correctly? Everyone else seems to have understood the poll?


Oh I see I figured when posting a poll you were asking for public opinion so I gave mine, apparently that isn't what you were going for. So care to explain the thought process behind your poll, you know just so us little minded people can understand it better?

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Oh I see I figured when posting a poll you were asking for public opinion so I gave mine, apparently that isn't what you were going for. So care to explain the thought process behind your poll, you know just so us little minded people can understand it better?




Ever read WAY too much into something, chief?

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How does age justify anything? Is my opinion less sensible because I am young, I don't seem to be to young to go over seas? So do tell? What point are you trying to make? My mother is a cop and I can't say she is an "elitist pig" but hell even she can admit that the FREEWAY police have something wrong with them. I in no way have a bad taste in my mouth for all police officers, because like them they have different tasks. But those who are tasked to sit on freeways and right bullshit tickets and harass good people can burn in hell. Great poll........

I think most people would agree that as you get older your views on things change. While younger people tend to feel invincible(at least I did) you wonder why there are so many rules and why seemingly needless laws are enforced. But with age this invicible feeling tends to diminish as your faced with your own mortality. I am comfortable with the laws that are out there and if theres a freeway cop there to enforce them I am all for it. I know alot of guys that go over seas at a young age and now that they are older their opinions have changed and if the tables were turned(they were offered to enlist being older) they wouldnt go. Theres a reason they choose to try and enlist people at such a young age. I agree there are some cops out there that just plain shouldnt be on the force, and I believe there are alot of cops who would agree but you cant lump every good cop who is doing what they feel is right for the people he/she are hired to serve and protect with these bad apples. I like to see these poles and see how people vote and their reasoning behind their choice. I dont think there is a right choice necessarily but I would be interested in seeing how those that view cops in a bad light would vote 15 years from now.

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Meh, I'm under 25 and my opinion on cops is split. While I think they are generally looking out for people, there are definitely cops who are on a power trip because of their authoritative position. This is true in any career field, but you hear about it more with police because you deal with them more (a dickhead CEO can't pull you over for a blown license plate light because he's having a bad day, etc).


My problem is more with highway patrol officers. It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that they are revenue collectors above all else. Local police officers give out tickets, but they also respond to calls when someone is in a dangerous situation. Highway patrol officers are there mainly to nab you for going 7 over the limit when they know damn well you weren't putting any other motorists in danger.


There are good cops, there are bad cops. The issue is you never hear about situations where cops help people, you only hear stories about how some cop was a dickhead to your friend.

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Example of why I like cops: today I locked myself out of my house because I'm retarded. It was 12 degrees outside, and the only people with keys to my house were over an hour away. I called the police, they came (took them a while, but still) and unlocked my van for me so I could get in the garage into my house.


This was all free of charge, whereas if they weren't around I would've had to pay some locksmith way too much money to do a 2 minute job. Honestly can say that this was the first time I've ever thanked an officer of the law and truly meant it.

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My problem is more with highway patrol officers. It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that they are revenue collectors above all else. Local police officers give out tickets, but they also respond to calls when someone is in a dangerous situation. Highway patrol officers are there mainly to nab you for going 7 over the limit when they know damn well you weren't putting any other motorists in danger.


There was a documentary on the other night that addressed this very issue. They were following highway officers that stated they hear this very same thing by citizens who claim they are only there to collect money for the dept/state they work for. However when you see the effort these guys(at least the ones in the documentary) put in to actually going after bad guys it really gives you a different perspective on the whole thing. Unfortunately pulling people over for things that seem miniscule to the average person is their only means at attempting to catch actual criminals. They gave one statistic that showed where on average the ratio between those they pulled over for something small leading to an arrest for things such as warrants and resulting offenses was something like 1:3. Thats alot of arrests for other serious crimes when you figure they originally pull you over for a plate issue or speeding.

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