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Great article on manners and rudeness


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Christine, you and I have met and are friends, so I'm only throwing this out there. I hear what you're saying and I agree with you completely. The only point I'll make is that perhaps it's not you, it's what's been more and more commonly seen on TV and in life that more often now than days gone by, people do have intentions of harm in such situations. It's put people on edge and made them more cautious around strangers. Even I'm more cautious.


You're a big guy. Even me at fair 185lbs, I'm not going to pick a fist fight with you nor would I want you to come after me :o Perhaps in some instances that can be seen as intimidating to people. I only say that as I've had similar reactions and think WTF? Do I look threatening? However, it's not what you or I think. They don't know us or our intentions and it's what's in their mind as could happen that causes such a reaction. Besides, not everyone shopping at Wal-Mart is all together sane.


~ just saying....

You make a very good point, actually. Norm, Littleguy on here, has known me for quite a few years and has pointed out to me times when he's believed someone behaved a certain way or was polite to me only because of my size or the way I look. (I look like a normal guy these days, if not a bit fat, lol) My gf and others have, as well. I guess I've never relied on my physical appearance and so I don't generally take that into account. Maybe, that's why people are so suprised when it turns out I'm laid back and have a sense of humor. lol


You know what I don't get....why when people go to the grocery store don't they grab a cart from the parking lot and bring it inside? I've had my car loaded up and am on my way to the car corral and had people walk right by, some even refuse my cart when I simply say, "you're welcome to take this cart, I'm on my way home" They say no thanks or walk right by. WTF?


I always look around and not just because I'm a car guy, but I consider it courteous to grab a least one car on my way in. In many cases I'll just walk my cart inside when I'm done with it. The exception being when my kids are with me.

I do this, as well, though I won't go far out of my way to grab one though I always return them.


When the hell was this? :lol:

lol Right.

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