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Someone explain this UFO footage


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Shit try having one of thoose things 5 foot away from you like I did. Never been more frightened in my life.


Care to elaborate?


I've had a couple freaky situations I can't explain but love hearing other peoples

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It's not an alien spacecraft from Mars, the dark side of the Moon, another star system, another galaxy, a parallel universe, a higher dimension, a sub-dimension, Atlantis at the bottom of the ocean with their stealth field that makes their incredibly advanced civilization impossible for us to detect with our primitive equipment, neither the hollow inside of the earth (known as inner-space), the future, the present, or the past.


There, I explained it.




(I'm a skeptic by the way.)

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Guest 614Streets
Care to elaborate?


I've had a couple freaky situations I can't explain but love hearing other peoples


Sure because I can just copy and paste a reply from Yellowbullet.


"Was about 16 years ago. I was dead asleep on a friday night and into saturday I suddenly woke up at 2am with a tremendous feeling of paranoia.



I felt like someone was watching me so I turned my head and looked around and the first thing I saw was out the window in front of the foot area of the bed , front of the house, small white lighted balls or something flying around through the wooded tree and skyline, moving super fast and then stopping and then moving slowly.


And then it hit me like a sheet of terror as directly off to my left and directly outside the much larger window overlooking the wooded area to the side of the home was this green and red ball. It was right at the window. Second story so this thing was hovering.


It was looking directly at me and it scared the living out of me.

The ball was no larger than a basket ball and the lights on it the best way i can describe this to you is they were totally organic lights. Very much like the lights on deep sea creatures.


Now heres the troubling part. I was looking at this thing and my body was paralized with fear. I couldn't fathom moving or getting out of the bed so what did I do , well I pulled the covers over my head and began to sweat profoundly. I just couldnt muster taking another look at the son of a bitch as I knew somehow it had woke me up and I knew it was watching me.


So there I lay drenched in sweat not wanting to move a bit. I layed for about 30-40 minutes cover over my head when I decided I was going to take another look. I pulled back the covers and it was moring light outside. I specifically remember looking at my alarm clock when I looked out the front window and it was 2am.


Where the time went I do not know.


I was afraid they would be around again , but then I never did see them again.


My brothers friend saw what he described as the same things a few months later during a sleep over."


What a pussy huh? Anyways.

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Why is it that the human mind feels like it needs to know the reason behind everything. Why can't some things happen that we don't need to know the reasoning behind. Our time on Earth is nothing compared to Earths lifespan, so why do we need to know the reason behind everything.
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It's not an alien spacecraft from Mars, the dark side of the Moon, another star system, another galaxy, a parallel universe, a higher dimension, a sub-dimension, Atlantis at the bottom of the ocean with their stealth field that makes their incredibly advanced civilization impossible for us to detect with our primitive equipment, neither the hollow inside of the earth (known as inner-space), the future, the present, or the past.


There, I explained it.




(I'm a skeptic by the way.)

Well, since you seem so sure of yourself, what is it then? I love how people can assume they can tell you what something isn't, but have no idea what it is? How can you assume your argument is relevant? lol Im a skeptic too, but I'm not a fool and always keep an open mind. (PS-not calling you a fool, btw.)


Why is it that the human mind feels like it needs to know the reason behind everything. Why can't some things happen that we don't need to know the reasoning behind. Our time on Earth is nothing compared to Earths lifespan, so why do we need to know the reason behind everything.

lol If everyone thought the way you did, we'd still be living in caves. ;)

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For being some advanced civilization that's able to travel to distant planets, you would think that they would have something better than halogen lights on their spaceships.

Shows what you know. Them's Xenons fool.




...I'm a skeptic also.

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