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Planned parenthood helps sex trafficing.

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Why is it called PLANNED Parenthood? Seems anything but.....

Looks better on a sign than "Stop Having Kids You Can't Raise, You Ignorant Fucks"


Also abbreviates easier. SHKYCRYIF is hard to remember. Hood rats probably have a hard enough time with PP.

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Stolen from the comments on that link:


PP Statement: "If a multistate sex trafficking operation is in place, those responsible must be pursued to stop the exploitation of girls and young women," said Schear. "If these visits are part of a 'dirty tricks' campaign, they must be condemned. Falsely claiming sex trafficking to health professionals to advance a political agenda is an astoundingly cynical form of political activity."




So please conservatives, if you actually care about victims of sex trafficking (which I doubt), please persuade Jeff Sessions to lift his hold on the bill that would help sex trafficking victims, instead of engaging in this BS.


And that's all it comes down to. These undercover "reporters" are just trying to push their anti-abortion agenda and harm Planned Parenthood. If you disagree with the work PP does, then fight them on legitimate grounds. Pretending to get some kind of "gotcha" moment on film is a disservice to everyone. And I mean everyone. Actual victims of sex the sex trade don't benefit. Conservatives don't really benefit. The people Planned Parenthood helps out don't benefit. This is just childish.

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After reading the article and watched the video clip, I think the only person at fault is the fat bitch with the big mouth. I think she's in the process of looking for a job righ now (may be the pimp can help her). In the video clip she actually acknowledge that the nurse in her office are very prying and doing thing the proper way.


Oh yeah, I hate these F...ing news crew. Their job is to report the news. Investigating is police/detective job.

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Does it really matter the "motives" of the people that exposed this shit? I don't care if it was a black gay rights group that video taped it. Now that we know this can happen, let's deal with it.


Ordinarily it doesn't. However, it's not like they exposed some existing practice. The lady in the video was apparently a moron, who expressly violated not only the law but PP rules. She's since been let go. The situation, insofar as there was a situation, has been dealt with.


And since it's been dealt with, it's perfectly reasonable to look at the motivation of the fake pimp and ho. Because if this is something that actually happens, as in, real pimps and hos are currently getting advice from Planned Parenthood offices around the country on a regular basis, then we need to do something about it. If the fake pimp and ho have some evidence that Planned Parenthood is actually a cog in the sex trade machine and they're trying to bring this to light, then they should be applauded. If they don't have any evidence and are just trying to smear an organization that they disagree with politically, they should be ashamed. Ultimately, if the situation can be solved by getting pro-life groups to stop sending fake pimps into Planned Parenthood offices, then that's how we should solve this problem so we can get back to dealing with legitimate victims of the sex trade. Continuing to send fake pimps into PP in order to bring down an organization that otherwise has nothing to do with the sex trade is fucking retarded. I think you can agree with that.

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