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Racing Product Ideas


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I have to come up with a product for my marketing class and need some more ideas. I already have a few in mind, but would like to see what some of you might have floating around.


Here is the basics of what is required


You are to imagine an innovation on a product, an adaptation (a new twist) of a current product, or a completely new product that you could develop. Be creative (come up with a new idea) as well as innovative (bring that creative product to life).


* Will this product add value?

* Will it increase efficiency?

* Does this product have a niche or a global market?

* Could this innovation or adaption enable the product to be delivered to a new segment of the population?

* Could this innovation be more ecologically friendly (green)?


1. Retail for $24.99 (U.S. dollars) or less (under $25). It can retail for much less if this is realistic (for example, the chip clip that sells for $1.00 at Dollar Tree).

2. Be a consumer good.

3. Be able to be sold in multiple retail outlets of the same type, such as discount stores, auto supply stores, or clothing stores (e.g., the plastic serving ware idea could be sold through discount stores such as Target, Wal-Mart, and K-Mart).

4. Be something that can realistically be made and purchased by many consumers.



The professor has ok'd for me to do racing related ideas. I am just looking for some more ideas some of you have, something that is missing in the market, or something that could be improved.


My all else fails idea will be a smart phone app, so that is covered.


Try to keept his useful...

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Temperature indicator strips that are suitable for use on tires and other stuff.


Hard to think of something under $25 in the racing world.


edit: nm, like everything else in the world, I'm too late to the party. http://www.doubledgarage.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/IMG_5356.jpg

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Temperature indicator strips that are suitable for use on tires and other stuff.


Hard to think of something under $25 in the racing world.


edit: nm, like everything else in the world, I'm too late to the party. http://www.doubledgarage.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/IMG_5356.jpg


It is a lot harder than you would think, even outside the racing world. Coming up with an idea that has not been done can drive you nuts.


I have found a few products that could be tweaked too, but would like some more ideas.

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What about a chemical that could be applied to tires AFTER manufacture to make them smoke different colors. Companies have done colored rubber that burns color and black tires that burn color for drifting etc. However, all of these are made into the tire. Something that could be put on afterward would have ricers going nuts.
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How about a plastic lined chrome valve stem cap? Anyone who has put a chrome cap on an aluminum TPMS valve would understand how the two could become fused together.


or just a chrome cap deisgned to slide over the existing valve stems, yes this already exists but I haven't seen it for the new style rubber stems used on GMs.

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How about a plastic lined chrome valve stem cap? Anyone who has put a chrome cap on an aluminum TPMS valve would understand how the two could become fused together.


or just a chrome cap deisgned to slide over the existing valve stems, yes this already exists but I haven't seen it for the new style rubber stems used on GMs.


Hmmm I might have to look at this to see if it is out there.

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