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I got 20 that says it is!


Yea you said the same thing earlier in the fall an yet you never stepped up...


After all its just a neon....


Crap forgot about caseys ws6 hmmm


oh ill take it! Is the PEON running yet?


like two years ago an it got replaced in a week....




Alright boys, GET ER DONE.


Queue Hyundaiexcuse.jpg in







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I'm spending $$$ to wring some more power out of my hyundai by april to go against an old beat dick neon, which I'll lose to anyway.


Not spending anything, all my parts were taken off for winter. Just dont have the time to do anything till march. I run a personal training company, this is my busy season.

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once the weather breaks im game! Its my race though seeing is how im the one being called out all the time....


Here we go again :jerkit: just like earlier in the year.


Roads are dry its perfect turbo weather for both of us.....


If ur gonna talk about how it'll beat it no worries then just do that race me if not keep to trollin.

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