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How to make a QUICK $2200


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No, JP. The six-limit rule thread in question was imposed BEFORE you listed your last two vehicles for sale.


You were a prime example last year on how to abuse the selling system here on CR. You're not the only one, and not the only one asked to become a sponsor.

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Does it matter?


If you don't like playing in this backyard..... don't.




It does.


Because If I'm at "0", then I can "sell" 6 cars this calendar year (I wont even get into the difference between listing, and selling), If I am at "7" even though this said rule came into effect within the last 30 days, then I obviously wont be posting anything here. No matter how much of a deal, a rip off, or a desirable car it is.




Christ, did I really just have to explain that?

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No, JP. The six-limit rule thread in question was imposed BEFORE you listed your last two vehicles for sale.


You were a prime example last year on how to abuse the selling system here on CR. You're not the only one, and not the only one asked to become a sponsor.


Again, that is fine. Whether it has been "in effect" for 10 day, 30 days, or since January 1st, the simple fact is I have not listed 6 cars this year, period. That being said, the actions taken by your admin team were either because they were to stupid to understand their own regulations, or I had been unfairly singled out, which is fine as well. Its flattering. ;)

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Fine, then list six cars for sale this year and on the 7th, become a sponsor or don't post anything else.


There's no shortage of vehicles on CR for sale at any given time, just not everyone has become a used car lot like yourself.


Fair enough.



So where am I at, since 2 were pulled off, and one was closed by me? I think that leaves us with one, but its your forum. Let me know where to pick up my hall pass.

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I just had to ask, how exactly can you tell the difference between an 85mph and a 90 mph ball? You do realize thats 27 thousandths of a second difference right? Which is faster than you can close your eyes and realize its past and the ball is moving twice as fast as you can blink. I just wanted to know how you have that ability to tell the difference. Thanks :-)
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So, you are definitively saying you guys pulled the plug because you basically felt like it, and I violated no standing rule. Great. Thanks for that. Just for reference, what "number" of adds am I an not since the adds got pulled? 0? 2? 6? 10? I mean if you are going to pull my adds off for no valid reason, you may as well pull numbers out of your ass at random as well.



And if you want to exorcise your mental abilities, I'd gladly add an IQ, or any other multi-skill standardized test to the man-a-thon.


Yup, we did it for no good reason. In about 20 minutes I'm going to pull a name out of a hat and ban them. Afterwards we will probably have a mod meeting and decide that anyone that has a username that starts with R will have to pay to use the quote feature.


Can we end this gay shit now?

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You can post the other two as well.


I'm not trying to be a dick, just trying to be fair to everyone involved.


Fair enough.



So where am I at, since 2 were pulled off, and one was closed by me? I think that leaves us with one, but its your forum. Let me know where to pick up my hall pass.

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Yup, we did it for no good reason. In about 20 minutes I'm going to pull a name out of a hat and ban them. Afterwards we will probably have a mod meeting and decide that anyone that has a username that starts with R will have to pay to use the quote feature.


Can we end this gay shit now?


we did R two weeks ago.

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The simple truth is the folks that ultimately run this site can make, break, bend, enforce or ignore any established or imagined rule they want to at any time. If the powers of CR decide Cleveland and Dayton members are idiots and need banned, oh well. From Newark? Well, you can only see the Oven. Too bad.


Having said that, I feel most folks around here are treated pretty fucking equally and fairly.

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The simple truth is the folks that ultimately run this site can make, break, bend, enforce or ignore any established or imagined rule they want to at any time. If the powers of CR decide Cleveland and Dayton members are idiots and need banned, oh well. From Newark? Well, you can only see the Oven. Too bad.


Having said that, I feel most folks around here are treated pretty fucking equally and fairly.


Its a shame that this even needs to be explained.

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You can post the other two as well.


I'm not trying to be a dick, just trying to be fair to everyone involved.



I agree 100%.


Its a shame that this even needs to be explained.


Did it? I posted the same basic statement here, and in replys to your PM's. Its Anthony's site. Its not a public forum. At the end of the day, he can do whateverthefuck he wants.

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I just had to ask, how exactly can you tell the difference between an 85mph and a 90 mph ball? You do realize thats 27 thousandths of a second difference right? Which is faster than you can close your eyes and realize its past and the ball is moving twice as fast as you can blink. I just wanted to know how you have that ability to tell the difference. Thanks :-)



As an Athlete, I cant explain everything I can/cant do to people who don't have the same ability. IBut, I promise you it makes sense to the few that do.


Eat Rice I am sure can back me up on sensing the speed of a ball. There is a WORLD of difference needed in Bat speed to hit an 80mph, and a 90mph fastball. It is frankly pretty easy to tell. Considering that some elite college pitchers off-speed pitched are int he low 80's, I'd say if you cant tell the difference3, then you would not be able to hit EITHER pitch. Again, I Eat Rice can elaborate as well.


Lets take another example- Raquetball. That dumb little ball is bouncing around the court at over 100mph. Yet, somehow I can run to a spot where it is EXPECTED to be (mind you, this is a 20x40ft little box we are in) and hit it so low, at such an angle, that its unreturnable. We are talking my return to this 100mph serve is hit into a 6x6inch target area. Does that make me Jesus? Does that make me better than you? Yes. And even better, Phil is better than me at R-ball!



Maybe some people have a gift, and the rest of the world plays softball.

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I just had to ask, how exactly can you tell the difference between an 85mph and a 90 mph ball? You do realize thats 27 thousandths of a second difference right? Which is faster than you can close your eyes and realize its past and the ball is moving twice as fast as you can blink. I just wanted to know how you have that ability to tell the difference. Thanks :-)


I got this one cause hitting and pitching were what I did. I actually hit over .500 my junior year in highschool and that was through the state title game as well. I pitched in that game to against Tod Beckman ( some may remember this name) 80 mph and 90mph is a huge hugh difference. To me 80 mph was like batting practice. I would have to move up to the front of the batters box to make it seem faster so I wasnt early on everything. Also just the sound of the ball hitting the catchers mitt is a dead give away. I threw low 90's and when my ball would hit the mit it sounded like a fuckin gun went off. Now my friend back in the day threw mid 80's and when his pitches hit the mit they were much more muffled. Also look at the difference off mph of pitchers in the show. Say their fastball is 90 most likely their change up will be around 80 and their curve around the same speed and if they throw a slider it will be in the mid 80's with sharp late break. Watch the reaction of hitters when they go from a 90+mph fastball then see a 80 mph change up on the next pitch. Many are made to look stupid and will be way ahead of the ball and out on their front foot when finishing their swing. Baseball is a game of inches. One inch difference on where the ball hits the bat means home run or ground ball ect ect.

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As an Athlete, I cant explain everything I can/cant do to people who don't have the same ability. IBut, I promise you it makes sense to the few that do.


Eat Rice I am sure can back me up on sensing the speed of a ball. There is a WORLD of difference needed in Bat speed to hit an 80mph, and a 90mph fastball. It is frankly pretty easy to tell. Considering that some elite college pitchers off-speed pitched are int he low 80's, I'd say if you cant tell the difference3, then you would not be able to hit EITHER pitch. Again, I Eat Rice can elaborate as well.


Lets take another example- Raquetball. That dumb little ball is bouncing around the court at over 100mph. Yet, somehow I can run to a spot where it is EXPECTED to be (mind you, this is a 20x40ft little box we are in) and hit it so low, at such an angle, that its unreturnable. We are talking my return to this 100mph serve is hit into a 6x6inch target area. Does that make me Jesus? Does that make me better than you? Yes. And even better, Phil is better than me at R-ball!



Maybe some people have a gift, and the rest of the world plays softball.


You have the right points. I like the softball quote myself. It is a gift to be able to judge speed of the pitch and even what pitch it is before it gets to the plate and then be able to hit it. If he thinks a 5 mph difference is tough then he just has not been in the game to the level we have. I remember when guys would get pulled that were throwing 90's and then they would bring in some guy throwing in the 80's. My mouth would water just to get up to the plate and hit of the guy because you could tell how much slower he threw. Now the really tricky shit is when the pitcher throws you a curve ball on a fastball count and you have to reconize what pitch it is out of his hand and then change everything up while the pitch is on its way to the plate to make sure your not out front of the ball and looking like a fool.

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Just to be specific, Im 5'9 in socks, 174lbs, Bench 320 shirted, am flexible enough to do the spits, and would put $50 on me 1 on 1 vs. 99% of this forum in basketball, wresting, or an MMA match, or most any sport in general besides speed skating.


But sure, carry on. :cool:


just a question....

Besides prolly wrestling, what (if anything) do you know about a spacific MMA fighting style? or any combat fighting style?

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just a question....

Besides prolly wrestling, what (if anything) do you know about a specific MMA fighting style? or any combat fighting style?


Just what I learned when I trained. Some Jujutsu, Savate, and honed my stand up skills. I did it right after highschool before it became so popular, and every kid that paid $120 to a gym called them selves a fighter. I initially did it for the workout/cardio and to teach kids wrestling technique. I ended up doing well in several amateur exhibitions and was convinced to do some money frights. Most were local junkets in leagues that did not exist or were bought out by UFC.

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