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Thoughts on Wiki Leaks


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I am shocked that nothing has really been posted on here with all of the government hate on here.


So now that there seems to be a link between these countries revolting and this website, is there going to be good that comes from Wicki?


Now with the global recovery in jeopardy because of the revolt in Egypt, and now Libya was it worth it? Could these documents been released in a better manner?


Personally I see the value in transparent government, but I do not like how this was done. Instead of this having a positive outcome it could lead to some serious issues.

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Do you see the uprisings in Egypt and Libya as a bad thing? I'm not clear on your post.


I think Wikileaks is an overall net good for the world. Transparency is a good thing, and legitimate whistleblowers uncovering corruption should have a safe place to release their information anonymously.


That said, Wikileaks likes to add a lit of biased commentary to their leaks (Collateral Murder, e.g) and the diplomatic cable leak wasn't an example of a whistleblower uncovering corruption, it was just a punk kid releasing everything he could get his hands on. It's one thing to identify something wrong and release it to the world. That's the dilemma every whistleblower faces. It's another thing entirely to just find a giant boxed labelled "secret info" and decide to just fork it over without understanding what's inside.


Overall I feel the good outweighs the bad though.

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I think there is information that needs to stay secret. A lot of that info is being leaked by Wikileaks. I am cool with uncovering actual corruption, but uncovering classified info that pertains to the safety of citizens of this country and others, it's basically treason IMO.
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Nitpick - Wikileaks doesn't leak anything. It accepts submissions. The guy who leaked the diplomatic cables is guilty of treason, Wikileaks itself committed no such crime. I don't think Wikileaks is the problem here, it's giving douchebags access to classified material and not following up with proper security controls.
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I think there is information that needs to stay secret. A lot of that info is being leaked by Wikileaks. I am cool with uncovering actual corruption, but uncovering classified info that pertains to the safety of citizens of this country and others, it's basically treason IMO.


I agree, there are some things that should not come out. The uprisings are what they are, but the overall problems they are causing and going to cause will not be good.


Is it worth blowing the whistle when it cripples the global recovery and causes death?


Will people still look at this as positive when it causes more job losses due to the higher fuel prices?

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I am shocked that nothing has really been posted on here with all of the government hate on here.


So now that there seems to be a link between these countries revolting and this website, is there going to be good that comes from Wicki?


Now with the global recovery in jeopardy because of the revolt in Egypt, and now Libya was it worth it? Could these documents been released in a better manner?


Personally I see the value in transparent government, but I do not like how this was done. Instead of this having a positive outcome it could lead to some serious issues.


You gotta break a few eggs to make an omolette. Here's an idea, maybe had various governments not hidden everything from the f'n beginning, this wouldn't be a problem, now. With the way things are, how far they've gone in various parts of the world including here, there is no easy fix anymore. The systems are broken and change wont' happen from a tweaking of these broken systems but from full rebellion and restructure. Now or later; it makes no difference, it's going to happen. Might as well be now.

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You gotta break a few eggs to make an omolet. Here's an idea, maybe had various governments not hidden everything from the f'n beginning, this wouldn't be a problem, now. With the way things are, how far they've gone in various parts of the world including here, there is no easy fix anymore. The systems are broken and change wont' happen from a tweaking of these broken systems but from full rebellion and restructure. Now or later; it makes no difference, it's going to happen. Might as well be now.


I am no expert on geo-political things but there are certain things that don't come out for a reason. That is just how the world works, has always worked, will always work.

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I thought we were all about democracy in the middle east. Isn't that what we eventually decided the Iraq war was all about?


You know I thought the same thing, but I think certain people wanted a bit more control of the process :)


This goes deeper than just democracy in the middle east. It is a cage match between politics vs. religion vs. culture vs. the rest of the world and instead of tables and chairs there are guns and oil.

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Democracy, but on our terms, eh? Personally I think this is the way it's gotta be. I think it's funny that we're concerned that our pro-American dictator in Egypt might be replaced by a true democracy. Seems like that goes against our core values.


That is why I really dont like or understand political crap. If people think this is bad wait until shit gets crazy in China. I think it is only a matter of time until we see this type of activity there, and this is a country that thinks it is ok to kill baby girls.

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I feel (and this is getting way off topic) that China is too mature for an uprising. It's like how the UK never really got rid of the monarchy. They just realized that it wasn't viable in the long run, so they installed a democratically elected parliament and relegated themselves to figurehead status. China, likewise, realized that a fully socialist economy wasn't competitive on a global scale, so opened up the doors for a lot of capitalistic enterprises. I fully expect that China will start converting to some kind of a representative government at some point.


OK, back on topic.

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I feel (and this is getting way off topic) that China is too mature for an uprising. It's like how the UK never really got rid of the monarchy. They just realized that it wasn't viable in the long run, so they installed a democratically elected parliament and relegated themselves to figurehead status. China, likewise, realized that a fully socialist economy wasn't competitive on a global scale, so opened up the doors for a lot of capitalistic enterprises. I fully expect that China will start converting to some kind of a representative government at some point.


OK, back on topic.


Hmmm interesting view, never thought of it that way.


This is CR NOTHING can stay on topic...


Real talk back on topic, will Wiki lead to change in this country?

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I thought we were all about democracy in the middle east. Isn't that what we eventually decided the Iraq war was all about?


Which is why the US supported the Dictator in Egypt? We are about puppet democracies when the dicatators don't like us. If the dictator does what we say, they are suddenly not a dictator and we like them. When the dictator tells the US to eff off because it's not their country, suddenly the person is a bad guy and we need to get him out of power. it's all a joke.

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Someone will eventually make wikileaks look like they are spreading false information and they will just fade away.


As for the middle east. We just need to take a few steps back and watch these morons destroy each other. (I recommend planting a zombie virus there) then legalize zombie hunting in the area.

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Well said. I honestly didn't even know Egypt was a dictatorship until all this shit started. I know they were a "democracy" and that they were a US ally, but I had no idea that "democracy" in Egypt required quotes.


Technically "Democracy" requires quotes for the US also, since we're a Republic.



As for Wikileaks, the guy running it is a punk that needs squashed. HOWEVER, as above, it's good that certain wrongs that benefit a few came to light. That needs to be done. But blabbing everything just for the lulz is wrong.

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