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Single Malt suggestions?


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Where can I find some some Johnnie W. Swing at?


Also how does everyone enjoy their scotch? Neat? rocks? with a bit of bottled water?


You used to only be able to get it on cruise ships as they sold it exclusively in the Caribbean areas (the bottle is curved on the bottom allowing it to rock back and forth with the movement of the boat). Now, you should be able to find it at any nice state liquour store. I think it's around $60-70 a bottle most places. It's got some of the smoke flavor from Johnny Blue, but a different drink for sure.


Usually, I'm drinking mine neat. Sometimes I'll throw a cube of ice in there, but as a rule generally not on the more expensive stuff. If I feel that I want to try it "opened up" a bit, I'll put a drop or two of water in it.

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Usually, I'm drinking mine neat. Sometimes I'll throw a cube of ice in there, but as a rule generally not on the more expensive stuff. If I feel that I want to try it "opened up" a bit, I'll put a drop or two of water in it.


This is the truth. No need to water anything down to the point of losing flavor. A little bit of water will go a long way in pulling the smell and flavor out a bit.

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This is the truth. No need to water anything down to the point of losing flavor. A little bit of water will go a long way in pulling the smell and flavor out a bit.


Never really done it with Scotch or Irish Whiskey but have done it with Bourbon and noticed a significant difference.

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You used to only be able to get it on cruise ships as they sold it exclusively in the Caribbean areas (the bottle is curved on the bottom allowing it to rock back and forth with the movement of the boat). Now, you should be able to find it at any nice state liquour store. I think it's around $60-70 a bottle most places. It's got some of the smoke flavor from Johnny Blue, but a different drink for sure.


Usually, I'm drinking mine neat. Sometimes I'll throw a cube of ice in there, but as a rule generally not on the more expensive stuff. If I feel that I want to try it "opened up" a bit, I'll put a drop or two of water in it.


Our prices here are the one thing that sucks about Scotch. I try to buy as much as possible whenever we're in the Caribbean. I bought Smokey a bottle of Swing last time we were in St. Martin and paid like $30-35 for it, also paid $115-ish for Johnny Blue there.

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Picked up a bottle of the Glenlivet 15yr frnch oak last week...very nice suggetsion. Keep them comming!


I am thinking about maybe hitting up this tasting on the 31st...




The Glenlivet 15yr French Oak is tasty I assume? I will be picking a bottle up here soon. I figure that with all of the hype in this thread that it can't be too bad :)

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The Glenlivet 15yr French Oak is tasty I assume? I will be picking a bottle up here soon. I figure that with all of the hype in this thread that it can't be too bad :)


I am pleased. I still like Bushmills 10yr single malt the best of all still but this 15yr scotch is very tasty and worth the price in my opinion.


Anybody have any opinions on Redbreast?

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I had some Macallen 18yr...it was delicious. Smooth at the beginned leading into lots of full intense flavor and spiciness, a sharp finish. Not sure yet that I am a big fan of the finish. I will have to taste a few more times. Everything leading up to the finish was extremely enjoyable though.
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very hard to argue much about Macallan 18....except the price.


I agree. As delicious as it was, I would rather spend that same amount of money on 3 bottles of less expensive but still delicious bottles. I.E. I could buy one bottle of Macallen 18, or 1 bottle of Bushmills 10yr singe malt, 1 bottle of Glenlivet 15yr french oak, and 1 bottle of glenfiddich 12yr for the same price. 3 bottles > 1 bottle, especially when I can not sense a massive difference in quality.

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I hate you guys.....;) I picked up the Glenlivet 15yr French Oak yesterday and have had a "few" so far. My opinion is that it is very smooth and tasty. The oak smell and taste is prevalent, shocking, and is very tasty. The smell is nice with a great taste to follow. I am using a very small piece of ice to swirl in the snifter prior to adding the scotch. This cools the glass and leaves a small piece to open it up. Very good in my opinion. Definitely on my list of good scotches. I have had a smoke with each taste as well :) We need to get a gathering for this for sure. Who has a large deck or patio to gather on?
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kinda off topic but have you guys tried woodford reserve? i know its nothing close to the genre being talked about currently but i have been downing this stuff lately.


It's awesome. It's a good bourbon.

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I like Redbreast, but I've heard others say it's got too much bite for them. You may want to go somewhere to try a pour before buying a whole bottle. If you still haven't bought the Jameson 12yr it's a better buy than the Redbreast in my opinion.


Woodford Reserve is good stuff. If you like it you should definitely try Blanton's Single Barrel. Cool round-ish bottle with a racing horse on the top of the cork. It's one of the best bourbons I've had and it's reasonably priced.

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  • 5 months later...
While not single malt Irish, I bought a small bottle of Crown Royal Cask No. 16 on Friday, this is my 2nd time having had it (it's expensive) but this stuff is the truth. I put it right next to the bushmills 10yr. Obviously two compltely different whisk(e)ys, but I find it phenomenal.
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My dad's not a scotch drinker but he's always got a bottle of this in case he's entertaining someone who is.


The stuff out of Islay is just a bit too smokey for me. I understand how people an enjoy it, but just too smokey for me to really enjoy in general. That's not to say I won't try new whiskey out of there though just to give it a shot...

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Headed back to the islands soon and trying to decide what to bring back with me this time. There's always some really interesting offerings to be had.


May just get another bottle of Chivas Royal Salute. Suprised more of you here haven't tried it.


I've had a few more pours of the Glenlivet 25 year my wife got me for Christmas recently too, it really reminds me of Macallen 18 in that it has a TON of flavor, soo much going on there it's a different experience each time. Another one of those I'm not sure it's really worth the money but it's very good none the less.


Can't ever let the french oak run out though! I have 2 bottles of it on hand currently.

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Headed back to the islands soon and trying to decide what to bring back with me this time. There's always some really interesting offerings to be had.


May just get another bottle of Chivas Royal Salute. Suprised more of you here haven't tried it.


I've had a few more pours of the Glenlivet 25 year my wife got me for Christmas recently too, it really reminds me of Macallen 18 in that it has a TON of flavor, soo much going on there it's a different experience each time. Another one of those I'm not sure it's really worth the money but it's very good none the less.


Can't ever let the french oak run out though! I have 2 bottles of it on hand currently.


I agree on the French oak, I need to get another one to keep on hand with the rest of the deliciousness. I got a bottle of it for free the first time I had it. My buddy's dad is a lawyer and was having a party and that was one of the bottles they had and it had been opened and like 1 shot was missing. He gave it to my friend after the party but my friend isn't big into whisky's so he gave it to me. WINNING! Had I not got that free bottle I probably never would have come around to trying it.

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you should definitely try Blanton's Single Barrel. Cool round-ish bottle with a racing horse on the top of the cork. It's one of the best bourbons I've had and it's reasonably priced.


The truth. I recently took a tour of Buffalo Trace (who makes Blanton's) and LOVED it. The labels are all hand numbered, and very fucking cool.


Can you buy Blanton's here? I have never seen it and have always had to purchase when in Lexington...


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The truth. I recently took a tour of Buffalo Trace (who makes Blanton's) and LOVED it. The labels are all hand numbered, and very fucking cool.


Can you buy Blanton's here? I have never seen it and have always had to purchase when in Lexington...



When I purchased it I was in Lexington. I do know that they serve it at The Pub, so I'd think that it should be available here. Check Weilands Gormet Market on Indianola in Clintonville, they have the best selection liquour store that I've found in town.

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