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SHTF Discussion


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Came up on another board...


Anyone have a shit hit's the fan plan? How about a bug out bag? A 'safe house' location away from major cities, etc.? I know everyone on here least us gun owners have been put on this earth to shoot zombies once they come. But really here just wondering if people really take the possability of global threats occuring that could change our way of life permenently to where retreat would be necessary.


Even in the case of natural disasters, with all the 2012 talk not to say that I believe we will all be dead, and if its that bad is it really worth running? But weather and climite has become more violent and unpredictable over the past decade or so and sitting in or near a high rise skyscrapper downtown with millions of others within a few square miles isn't the best case in any situation.


So just wanted to get the ball rolling if anyone had any serious thoughts on the matter?

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Glad I'm not the only one thats taken it to the point where writing a printable guide has become a nightly task for oneself. Now that I've been taken a liken to firearms and just growing up in general it seemed like a logical step with how the worlds been going.
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No plan ever pans out the way you think it will. Lord knows I found that out overseas, but if you are prepared, that's the best step to a favorable outcome. Homeland Security says every home should prepare for 72 hours atleast. As noble as that is, there is the potential for worse. Given recent events from Huricannes to civil unrest throughout the world, 2 weeks worth is a little more in tune with reality. I've done the 1 MRE and 1 bottle of water a day meal plan before. It sucks, but it's feasible. Given we were in Iraq in 03', we were under sparse conditions.
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Anyone have good bug out bag lists?

Is your bag as big as mine? Depends on the scenario, but basic needs would be, change of clothes, socks, wet weather gear, climate oriented gear (coats, gloves etc..) sleeping bag or system, form of portable shelter, water, food, first aid essentials, fire starting tools, rope or 550 cord, duct tape, radio, ammo/magazines. List could go on and on, but to keep it stupid simple, food, shelter, clothes, way to defend yourself/hunt, communication and first aid. Once again, depending upon scenario, you might have to hump that shit on your back for long distances.

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No plan ever pans out the way you think it will. Lord knows I found that out overseas, but if you are prepared, that's the best step to a favorable outcome. Homeland Security says every home should prepare for 72 hours atleast. As noble as that is, there is the potential for worse. Given recent events from Huricannes to civil unrest throughout the world, 2 weeks worth is a little more in tune with reality. I've done the 1 MRE and 1 bottle of water a day meal plan before. It sucks, but it's feasible. Given we were in Iraq in 03', we were under sparse conditions.

That's why it is good to have live stock ;)

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This is just copy'd out of my guide, and it is nowhere near finished.


Bug out Bagx2

• Fire Starter

• Compass

• Whistle

• Headlamp + extra batteries

• emergency blanket (x2)

• notepad/pencil (mechanical)

• Swiss army knife or multi-tool

• Duck tape (wrapped around a card)

• 100 Feet of Para cord (+2 carabineers)

• Zip ties x20

• 4x extra large heavy Duty Trash bags

• USA Map/Ohio Map

• Reflective Mirror

• Water filtration system

• Rations/MRE's

• Water Tablets

• Contacts/Solution/Eye glasses

• First Aid Kit + Tylenol + wound clottier + peroxide

• Machete/Large Fixed blade

• Guides (Knot, survival, first aid)

• Emergency Crank Radio

• 2-Way Radio's (14 channel)

• $20 in mixed bills/quarters

• Gas masks x2 +2 extra 40mm filters

• Chemical Suits x2

• Change of socks

• Pack of gum

• Rain Poncho


SHTF Supplies (to be packed away in tubs and then placed in retreat vehicle)


• Bug Out bag x2 (from both cars)

• Fishing Kit (fold up rod, + basic tackle supplies)

• 1x Large Tarp

• 2x Extra sets of clothes (For me and Her)

• Winter Clothing (For me and Her)

• Bedding (Blankets, pillows, sleeping bags)

• 2x 5 gallon Containers of water

• Extra batteries (AA,AAA,D)

• Months worth of Canned goods/Non perishables

• Couple Packs of gum

• Bathroom supplies (Soap, TP, toothpaste, brushes, plenty of contacts/solution)

• flashlight's

• 2x Personal Stoves + 4 extra gas containers

• Stainless steel lightweight cookware set

• Can openers

• 3x water bottles with measuring labels

• Small entrenching shovel


Guns and 'Combat Supplies'

• SKS Chinese Paratrooper

- 30 Round Magazine, 3x20 Round Magazines, 100 Rounds of 'loose' ammo stored in tactical waist belt

- 1000 Rounds of 7.62x39mm in ammo box

• Springfield Armory XDM .40 Compact

- 4 Magazines (1 x 16, 3x11)

- 1000 Rounds of .40 S&W in ammo box

• Ruger 10/22

- 3x 25 Round magazines

- 1000 Rounds of .22lr

• Various Pocket Knives

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Scotty do you mind recommending a good fixed blade/machete, first aid kit, and water filter system?


If you want a nice dependable knife that won't set you back hundreds, I've always loved a good Ka-bar. I have a few fixed knives along with folders, ranging from SOG, Gerber and Ka-bar. If you research IFAK or Individual First Aid Kit, you'll come up with a few companies that have an all in one pouch set up. I can't remember the name of the filtration system I've used before when I backpacked, but I'd like to say I got it at Gander Mountain. The tablets work, but the filter system is nice to have.

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I just read through this for shits and grins, and it raised a question for me. Assuming the SHTF, and I survive the chaos that ensues. Guns won't be the problem, replacement ammunition will be. If I was going to keep a SHTF weapon or two, what would be the most popular calibers to make the most likely ammunition to find replacement? I know .45, .40, .32, 9mm, etc... are all pretty common, what is the most common? Same question for long gun ammo. It would be just my luck if this all happens that when the ammo runs out all I can find is the wrong size.
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I just read through this for shits and grins, and it raised a question for me. Assuming the SHTF, and I survive the chaos that ensues. Guns won't be the problem, replacement ammunition will be. If I was going to keep a SHTF weapon or two, what would be the most popular calibers to make the most likely ammunition to find replacement? I know .45, .40, .32, 9mm, etc... are all pretty common, what is the most common? Same question for long gun ammo. It would be just my luck if this all happens that when the ammo runs out all I can find is the wrong size.


I would say most common hand gun 9mm, long gun .223/5.56

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I just read through this for shits and grins, and it raised a question for me. Assuming the SHTF, and I survive the chaos that ensues. Guns won't be the problem, replacement ammunition will be. If I was going to keep a SHTF weapon or two, what would be the most popular calibers to make the most likely ammunition to find replacement? I know .45, .40, .32, 9mm, etc... are all pretty common, what is the most common? Same question for long gun ammo. It would be just my luck if this all happens that when the ammo runs out all I can find is the wrong size.


i would say 22 is more popular ammo for a long gun.

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I just read through this for shits and grins, and it raised a question for me. Assuming the SHTF, and I survive the chaos that ensues. Guns won't be the problem, replacement ammunition will be. If I was going to keep a SHTF weapon or two, what would be the most popular calibers to make the most likely ammunition to find replacement? I know .45, .40, .32, 9mm, etc... are all pretty common, what is the most common? Same question for long gun ammo. It would be just my luck if this all happens that when the ammo runs out all I can find is the wrong size.


If SHTF, I'd stick with NATO calibers and common police rounds. If they're long gone, there would probably be some of it laying around. This is assuming both the Military and Law Enforcement are long gone. 5.56, 7.62, 9mm, .40S&W, .45ACP (possibly) and good ol' 12 gauge. Personally, I've got more long guns than handguns for a reason. You can also look at the popular hunting calibers aswell. Granted, it is only but one side to the equation, but it is also an equalizer of sorts. Not to mention, I consider firearms to be a bargaining tool aswell. I'm not bringing 50 weapons with mr because it ain't really feasible. After the basics of food, water and shelter, communication would be a large hurdle.

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