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Silver and Gold Investing


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Not sure if anyone else has been into this at all. I have just started to invest in silver every paycheck. Things are pretty wacked right now around the world, and there is a chance paper money could become worthless at some point. I have started to collect pre 1964 90% silver coins. Felt like it was a pretty good place to start. Approaching about 1K worth of silver all together.


I know this is a little extreme but, either way precious metals won't loose value no matter what.


Was just interested to hear of anyone else that has been into this, and your experience with it.

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Why don't you buy 100% silver eagles?



those seem pretty hard to come by. the ones I have been getting are easy to find and reasonably priced. do you have some you have bought?



actually, just found some. they seem to be a bit over priced though.

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those seem pretty hard to come by. the ones I have been getting are easy to find and reasonably priced. do you have some you have bought?


Yeah, I buy gold eagles and silver eagles.

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those seem pretty hard to come by. the ones I have been getting are easy to find and reasonably priced. do you have some you have bought?



actually, just found some. they seem to be a bit over priced though.


100% will always be spot + premium

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When paper money becomes worthless silver will not do you any good either. The only valuable item at that point will be food. I know personally I could give a shit less what rare metal you have. It wont make me want to sell you my food for a chunk of shiny metal.


Good luck on investing tho. There is money to be made if you bought silver last year. I think it was 13-17 dollars at the time. At 36 sounds pretty high. It is a non renewable resource.

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no. Well, yes, technically there is a chance, but no. just no.


also, the key to investing is buy low sell high. right now gold and silver = through the roof prices.


this is true. but, at the same time it could keep going up and up.

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Got any info on the coins you already have? When my girl was a teller at the bank I had her buying old coins all the time. She once took in 3 rolls of quarters that were all old as fuck. I took them to a coin dealer and he wanted to give us 90 dollars for the 30 dollars worth of quarters. I still have them and a shit load more.
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When paper money becomes worthless silver will not do you any good either. The only valuable item at that point will be food. I know personally I could give a shit less what rare metal you have. It wont make me want to sell you my food for a chunk of shiny metal.


Good luck on investing tho. There is money to be made if you bought silver last year. I think it was 13-17 dollars at the time. At 36 sounds pretty high. It is a non renewable resource.


For paper value to be completely worthless and stay that way I would have to agree

Drewhops statement. We will go to a trade/barter system. Food, clean water, survival supplies and guns and ammo would be worth far more to most anyone than your precious metal.


I haven't really looked at buying and eventually selling gold and silver so I'm sire you have a better idea on it than me. But I wouldn't feel it would be worth a ton if paper money ceased to hold any value at all... if the value of all paper money where to drop to zero it would either rebound quickly because of government and nation changes. Or the world would be a different place where valuables are what you need to survive.

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You could lose what you have in it right now if prices drop again. I'm holding out on buying anymore until it drops, which it probably will in the next few years or so. It's a smart investment, just don't buy when it's as high as it is now. Buy low and sell high like stocks, but it's good to have a few proofs on hand.
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maybe i will back off for now and see what happens. i will defiantly be keeping my eye on it though. i have been buying for about the last 6 months. most of the stuff i have now was bulk pre 64 stuff. dimes, quarters, and a couple JFK half dollars.
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For paper value to be completely worthless and stay that way I would have to agree

Drewhops statement. We will go to a trade/barter system. Food, clean water, survival supplies and guns and ammo would be worth far more to most anyone than your precious metal.


I haven't really looked at buying and eventually selling gold and silver so I'm sire you have a better idea on it than me. But I wouldn't feel it would be worth a ton if paper money ceased to hold any value at all... if the value of all paper money where to drop to zero it would either rebound quickly because of government and nation changes. Or the world would be a different place where valuables are what you need to survive.


oh i have guns and ammo too. :) that's something else, i have committed to buying a couple boxes of everything every paycheck.


.40 bullets and 12ga shells

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I stopped buying silver when it hit $6,shouldn't have stopped but I did,been selling off lately. Silver may seem high but it's underpriced relative to what gold is. Best place to buy silver,whether it be coins or bar bullion is large coin shows,prices are best there.



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My dad is into metal detecting/ coi collecting, not to resale just as a hobby.when he's bored during winter months he gets 500$ cases of rolled quarters and goes thru them for the silver. He hits up all the local banks once a week.



This. I personally do the same thing except the $500 case part. I then turn the half and half coins back in. Ive got about ten banks I do this with. Its more for fun though. Personally I think that if cash goes to shit those bullets your buying are going to be the most valuable resource.

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