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Sinus Infection anyone ???


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Back in 02 I was diagnosed with a deviated septum. While not bad.. I didn't want to take the time off work. Fast forward to 08 or so. I was getting sinus infections every 3-4 months. It sucked hardcore. I was on antibiotics all the time. I was on Biaxin and then took so much of that it didn't do much so the ear, nose, throat doc gave me the anti for Anthrax. That helped for a few years and I said fuck it, I'm getting the surgery done.


Had it done, took 90 Percs in 3 weeks and was stone pretty much the whole time. After a week the doc pulled out the 3" long splints in my nose holding my septum together and I could breath. Ever since then, I haven't gotten a sinus infection more than 1-2 times a year.


If I had to do it again, I would. It's not that bad.

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Mine is effecting my teeth and gums,some ear pain/very little but it is their. I did the neti yesterday twice,slept 3 hours last night the teeth and gum pain was crazy. Today I was busy running estimates and talking to customers so was not able to do the neti. My dentist just now gave me some anitbotics. I took one a few minutes ago and I found some percocets in the cabinet and took one of those. I need sleep tonight or I will be one SOB. Its funny this just started after I went to the dentist for a check up and cleaning. I was told I had 3 cavities that needed filled 2 new and one redo on an excisting. I find it really weird that this is coming on because of a bad cavity right after the dentist visit and I had no pain before. Cmon percs kick in. Im rinsing with seagrams VO since I have no anbesol for teeth pain. If its not better tomorrow I will go back to the dentist and go from their. I actually had an appointment tomorrow to get my filling taken care of and cancelled because of this. Dam Im just rambling on here because it gets my mind off of thinking about it and does not make any sense.
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Back in 02 I was diagnosed with a deviated septum. While not bad.. I didn't want to take the time off work. Fast forward to 08 or so. I was getting sinus infections every 3-4 months. It sucked hardcore. I was on antibiotics all the time. I was on Biaxin and then took so much of that it didn't do much so the ear, nose, throat doc gave me the anti for Anthrax. That helped for a few years and I said fuck it, I'm getting the surgery done.


Had it done, took 90 Percs in 3 weeks and was stone pretty much the whole time. After a week the doc pulled out the 3" long splints in my nose holding my septum together and I could breath. Ever since then, I haven't gotten a sinus infection more than 1-2 times a year.


If I had to do it again, I would. It's not that bad.


90 percs in 3 weeks :eek:

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90 percs in 3 weeks :eek:


Yep. I'm a sucker for pain meds :).


You figure 2 every 4 to 6 hours. That's 2. Most people are up what.. 15ish hours a day? Figured I'd take 6 a day times 7 days a week and that's 42.


But then, I had a week of vacation time and 2 weeks of short term disability. I could have stopped at week 2, but I was off for another week so why the hell not :).


My wife had it done as well 6 months after I did. She does decent with pain. she was only on the precs probably 1 1/2-2 weeks before she stopped taking them.


A co-worker of mine was only out for a week but his wasn't as bad as mine was. It's all up to how bad the septum is.

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