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how to swoon a professor for 5% w/o sexual favors


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Ok so basic jist of this is im taking a class req'd for my major. The grade in this class consist of 90% weight for exams (2) and 10% for pop quizzes and max of 3% for extra credit.

Now i have full points in both extra credit and pop quizzes, they were easy as they were only based on that day's lecture.

However, I am a HORRIBLE test taker. I go into an exam feeling like i have studied my ass off and confident, yet seem to for the most part come out of it with a lower than expected grade.

I did improve by 24% from my midterm exam grade to the final exam grade, however my final course grade is still short of what i need by 5%.

I sent an email asking if their was a curve and basically stating that i am confident in the material of the course, just not a good test taker at all and to arrange a meeting to talk further.

He replied that there is no curve and not really sure what we would need to setup a meeting for when he could answer everything through email.

How would you guys/gals write the next email saying "bump me 5%" without sounding desperate?

gen. discription of prof: very down to earth guy yet a doctorate, wears jeans and hoodie to teach when his co-workers are in suits and ties. about mid 40's with kids. I've talked to him once asking about a notes clarification from a prior class.

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Ok so basic jist of this is im taking a class req'd for my major. The grade in this class consist of 90% weight for exams (2) and 10% for pop quizzes and max of 3% for extra credit.

Now i have full points in both extra credit and pop quizzes, they were easy as they were only based on that day's lecture.

However, I am a HORRIBLE test taker. I go into an exam feeling like i have studied my ass off and confident, yet seem to for the most part come out of it with a lower than expected grade.

I did improve by 24% from my midterm exam grade to the final exam grade, however my final course grade is still short of what i need by 5%.

I sent an email asking if their was a curve and basically stating that i am confident in the material of the course, just not a good test taker at all and to arrange a meeting to talk further.

He replied that there is no curve and not really sure what we would need to setup a meeting for when he could answer everything through email.

How would you guys/gals write the next email saying "bump me 5%" without sounding desperate?

gen. discription of prof: very down to earth guy yet a doctorate, wears jeans and hoodie to teach when his co-workers are in suits and ties. about mid 40's with kids. I've talked to him once asking about a notes clarification from a prior class.

I work closely with faculty at OSU every day and from what you are saying, his philosophy is to value exams over busywork, so it seems a little contrary to his philosophy to put more weight on your quizzes, ec, and begging. You may get a bump if you are very close, like 1 to .5 percent. You can give it try, but I wouldn't count on getting a 5% bump. I would highlight your attendance record if you have missed one or less class periods and any times you may have met with him at office hours. Go over your exams and look at the questions you missed and understand exactly why you got them wrong. Explain why your being a bad test-taker wrought these results. Be sure to explain how you would have answered correctly whilst not under duress.

Good Luck!

Edited by Paddy O Furniture
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Most schools recognize unwarranted difficulties in test taking for some individuals. Some people just freeze up and do terrible. Usually that can be determined and identified in individuals. Unfortunately the only response by most schools seems to be allowing the test taker to take the exam in a different environment.

I once froze up for an electronics exam. My mind completely blank. I spent 80% of the exam time unfreezing. I sat there and stared at it. It was so bad, the professor came over and asked what was wrong. I figured out each answer in my head, and suddenly wrote them all down rapid pace, and turned it in. Got most right. Told the prof about it, no clue what happened. It never happened again.

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Opposite side of view point: I taught classes for 3 years. I had a Russian immigrant in one of the hydraulics classes. He froze up on a final. He was the last one to leave, and was still struggling. I went over and took the exam, looked at it, and went right down the page and read him each question, and waited for his answer. I marked it right there. He knew his stuff, most Russians do. He just froze up, forgot how to read English, whatever. What else would I do? If something ain't right, fix it.

On the other hand, it's amazing how many people (students) can't or won't read and/or write. How they can go through life that way, is beyond me.

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Oh ok...don't think I'll ever have to take that...thankfully.

I am taking Accounting 212 right now (studying for the final that's tomorrow) though, and that class is 100% exams. I think I only sat through two or three full lectures all quarter; the professor was terrible and I've had to teach myself literally the entire course...so you aren't alone in being totally fucked academically.

If you need a room as a 5th year senior lemmie know; I'll have a few empty ones after next year when my roommates all graduate and leave us bad students behind :p Remember...lots of people go to college for seven years. They're called doctors (or people who would rather just ride a motorcycle instead of study)

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You say he's down to earth. Just be forthright with him. Tell him you're 5% short of the grade you need, because you "panic" during tests even though you're well versed in the material, and ask if there's any accommodations he can make to allow you to earn that extra 5% back

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I've struggled with the same problem. If I don't know the material 100% I panic and usually end up with something under 50%... even if i know the material like 90%... its weird. If I end up with a bad feeling after the midterm, thats when I tell the professor whats up. Most of them ( the ones that aren't total dicks) pretty much drill me on the material, figure out that i understand most of it, and take that slightly into consideration with the final grade...

I think the only thing you can do at this point is tell him your situation, tell him that you would be willing to talk to him about the material, if he would like to test your knowledge, and hope for the best. Good luck!

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I love replying to a thread, only to realize later that I didn't actually answer the question/discuss the topic at hand directly :nono:

Yeah, more or less what Fonzie and MJ said. It never hurts to try with stuff like this. Last year I somehow slept through my alarm and missed a midterm in a stats class I was otherwise getting an A in. I emailed my prof immediately and explained what happened, not expecting much. To my surprise, she let me take the exam later that day with the night section. You've got nothin to lose and everything to gain by asking, so go for it.

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