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Retarded ricers


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So I was on 270 west merging onto 315 north at about 9:45 and there was a 2 tone Mazda mx3 wanting to race me.. He initially followed me onto 270 west and started riding my bumper and revving and acting stupid.. I kept the supra in 4th, gave it a little gas and let the turbo build about 4lbs boost and let off.. As I started slowing down for the 315 split I must have pissed mr ricer in the Mazda off.. He had his car floored.. Since I was taking 315 north and he was taking south he flew past me in the southbound lane entering the turn like i was standing still. I was doing about 40-45 and I'm guessing he entered the turn at closer to 70. He lost control and hit the guardrail, tried to swerve off it and hit it again, pulled away and his rear hit it and caused him to spin then his front hit it hard.. That's about all i saw before I turned in the other direction. I looped back around the freeway so I could drive down the southbound lane to see if the guy was ok and he was gone, so apparently he limped his car home... Glad the guy wasn't seriously hurt, but wow. he was an idiot and totally deserved what happened.. Now hopefully that's one less auto zone modded ricer on the road..



Anyway I thought I'd share my interesting night with you guys..

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I would Lol if you had them.


I was driving.. No pics. Just look for a black Mazda mx3 with silver along the top, a fart cannon, and now a whole lot of dents along the left side. I used to see the guy driving around Polaris all the time.. Somehow I doubt I will be seeing that car around much now..

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...if some spoiled bitch did that shit to me, she would be in a ditch. I dont care enough about my paint not to teach them a lesson. Besides, you could always say they were driving recklessly and came left of center when you tried to pass.


Me thinks the accident wasn't unassisted. :D

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I love it. There's has been at least 3 separate instances of someone doing something similar near me and eating shit. A Civic, 1 Cobalt and 1 Cavalier. There have been a few close calls, too.



Now, for beef:

^^must have been a 7m supra..

You sonofa... :nutkick:




Thank you, Alex.


I Keed I keed. 7m motors can make good power too, but they are a pain in the ass.

I'll let it go... For now. :gtfo:

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Me thinks the accident wasn't unassisted. :D


nah i didnt have to assist him. i think we both knew going into the turn only one of us was coming out of it without hitting the guardrail. and if he really thought he was gonna make the turn coming into it that fast, he should never have gotten a license in the first place.


I love it. There's has been at least 3 separate instances of someone doing something similar near me and eating shit. A Civic, 1 Cobalt and 1 Cavalier. There have been a few close calls, too.



Now, for beef:


You sonofa... :nutkick:




I'll let it go... For now. :gtfo:


It's ok, I still like your supra.. we can pretend it's jz powered just cuz youre a nice guy. :D Seriously though if you need extra hands putting yours together, give me a shout. i'd be down to help out.


was it major payne driving it?


yes he was. he couldn't stand the thought of losing to me, and didnt have time to get home to the rx7 then come find me, so he wrecked his ricecar just to be dramatic.


sorry Chris, the secret's out.

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