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adopt a weimaraner!


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Not sure if this is in the correct section. Me and the gf are currently a foster home for louisville weimaraner rescue, here in columbus. We have a female, 7 yrs old named sassy who is one of the best weims I have known. She's awesome in the car, good with other dogs, cats and kids. She does not crate very well. She has separation anxiety, and takes medication for her condition. She really needs to be in a home with someone home 24/7, or a stay at home mom. We remedy this with doggydaycare where she does really well.


If you or anyone you know is interested in taking her in, they can view her profile online at http://www.louisvilleweimrescue.com







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My respekt for you just went up...


My wife and I fostered a few Weims before settling on Blue for the last 7 years. Alas, kids and career took over and I got rid of her last year. Great breed of dogs.


LT1Rick's got her now. I'm sure Rick needs another female Weim like he needs another hole in his head. :)

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Cool dogs, and a cousin to the Doberman, so to speak. Plenty of exercise and care will get rid of the issues she has. I've acquired a few dogs, including both current dogs, who had serious issues similar to those described here, who are now both very healthy, loving individuals. If you have time, don't be afraid to take on what will be a very rewarding challenge. This dog just needs love and exercise. :)
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Cool dogs, and a cousin to the Doberman, so to speak. Plenty of exercise and care will get rid of the issues she has. I've acquired a few dogs, including both current dogs, who had serious issues similar to those described here, who are now both very healthy, loving individuals. If you have time, don't be afraid to take on what will be a very rewarding challenge. This dog just needs love and exercise. :)


Exercise helps some yes, but the issue is deeper here. Cousins with the dobe by virtue of germany, but closer linked to the Vizsla or German Shorthaired Pointer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a German shorthaired pointer and I love that dog
We have the same. We took him over due to someone else not being able to have the room. After a week at the pound they called to have him picked up due to he wasn't eating or going to the bathroom. Now that he is at our place it is great and acts like he is 2-3 years old instead of his 9 years old.
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