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hio: House of Representatives Expected to Vote on Two Pro-Gun Bills Next Week


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Sign it nao plz.


News reports that Kasich will sign it and he's already committed to sign it. It goes through after 10 days regardless, unless he vetos it. We still have to wait 90 days after it's signed until it becomes an actually law.

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I'm all for constitutional carry.


The only problem you run into with it is other states that require a 'permit' tend to no longer allow reciprocity w/ Ohio because of it.




Cut the training time requirement in half and you could still cover nearly everything thats in the class as it is, but still keeps you able to get reciprocity. Also, a lot of states won't grant out of state permits unless you have one in your home state, and if Ohio stops granting permits then you won't be able to get many of these. Hate to say it, but we are better off keeping the permitting process.

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  • 2 weeks later...


You know, this is how it needed to be all along. If these places decide that they don't want customers carrying, then they don't deserve our money. Now it is cut and dry what businesses want our business and which ones don't.


Although I would like to point out that the law states that if you are caught carrying in a place with a no carry sign, they can only ask you to leave. If you refuse to leave, only then are you breaking the law. If I'm carrying concealed, the point is for no one to know in the first place.

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Although I would like to point out that the law states that if you are caught carrying in a place with a no carry sign, they can only ask you to leave. If you refuse to leave, only then are you breaking the law. If I'm carrying concealed, the point is for no one to know in the first place.




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  • 5 months later...
Although I would like to point out that the law states that if you are caught carrying in a place with a no carry sign, they can only ask you to leave. If you refuse to leave, only then are you breaking the law. If I'm carrying concealed, the point is for no one to know in the first place.


im looking through the handbook...you know what page this is on?


i found this thread because i was wondering what came of the carrying in liquor establishment vote, and didnt realize it went into effect a couple months ago...fail on my part


but from your quote, if i get outed as carrying, they can ask me to leave, if i dont, then i get hit w/ trespassing/etc? are you saying i cant get charged with anything only for going into a place with a CPZ sign up if i do get caught, only if i dont leave when asked?


edit - i got a little further and saw this about parking lots and such, but i dont see anything about business with signs posted.


Ohio law provides that a person who knowingly violates a posted prohibition of a parking lot or other parking facility is not guilty of criminal trespass but is liable for a civil cause of action for trespass. Furthermore, a landlord may not prohibit or restrict a tenant with a concealed carry license from lawfully carrying or possessing a handgun on residential premises.
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lol...that makes me feel comfortable about possibly carrying into a CPZ


I'm pretty sure my trainer also said the same thing. The thing is, if they can prove you knew that you weren't allowed to carry there, they will arrest you. Hard to prove though. That's why I always go in to Tuttle Mall at Macy's b/c there is no CPZ sign on the doors. If they could prove that I know all the other doors have Gunbuster sign's I could probably get in trouble though.

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