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Please tell me I am wrong...


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Furthermore, the President doesn't have the power to pass a budget. Only Congress has that power.

You are only proving the "its the dems fault" more. ;)

They didnt pass the budget last year


This is rediculous. Obama wasn't even born in the US accoring to his aunt.


I hate people like you, Do you realize how stupid this makes you sound?

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You are only proving the "its the dems fault" more. ;)

They didnt pass the budget last year


and they are absolutely at fault for that. What bothers me is people's selective memory, such as the belief that Obama got the spending ball rolling with programs such as TARP (hint: it was signed into law 1 month before Obama won the presidential election)



everyone here thinks i'm a bleeding heart. i prefer to classify myself as a raging moderate.



edit: i read a great article today praising and criticizing Paul Ryan and I believe a lot of what it said; I give Ryan a lot of credit for putting his name to a concrete proposal. I disagree with his oversimplified assessment of how to solve the economy crisis (4% unemployment in a few years? yeah, right), but at least he's put his name to something instead of just telling everyone else they're wrong. We need more politicians like him.

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