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The Ohio House just passed a bill that, if your driving and have your windshield wipers on, but don't have your headlights on, they can give you a ticket. It's good to know that our elected officials are TRULY looking out for our safety by passing such important and hart hitting bills. :beating:

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Sec. 4513.03 (A) Every vehicle, other than a motorized bicycle, operated upon a street or highway within this state shall display lighted lights and illuminating devices as required by sections 4513.04 to 4513.37 of the Revised Code during all of the following times:

(1) The
time from sunset to sunrise, and at

(2) At
any other time when there are
, due to insufficient natural light or
unfavorable atmospheric conditions or when there is not sufficient natural light to render discernible
persons, vehicles, and substantial objects on the highway
are not discernible
at a distance of one thousand feet ahead, shall display lighted lights and illuminating devices as required by sections 4513.04 to 4513.37 of the Revised Code, for different classes of vehicles; except that every

(3) At any time when the windshield wipers of the vehicle are in use because of precipitation on the windshield.

motorized bicycle shall display at such times lighted lights meeting the rules adopted by the director of public safety under section 4511.521 of the Revised Code. No motor vehicle, during such times
any time specified in this section
, shall be operated upon a street or highway within this state using only parking lights as illumination.

Whenever in such sections a requirement is declared as to the distance from which certain lamps and devices shall render objects visible, or within which such lamps or devices shall be visible, such distance shall be measured upon a straight level unlighted highway under normal atmospheric conditions unless a different condition is expressly stated.

Whenever in such sections a requirement is declared as to the mounted height of lights or devices, it shall mean from the center of such light or device to the level ground upon which the vehicle stands.

(B) Whoever violates this section shall be punished as provided in section 4513.99 of the Revised Code.

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the next thing they need to get on is talking and/or txting while driving. and since studies show that drivers chatting on their phone are just as impaired as drunk drivers, the penalties should be the same. max 6 months and 1000 dollar fine.

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good. you should have your headlights on if its raining.


That crap pisses me off. Luckily I have daytime running lights and don't have to worry about it, but I always turned my lights on when my wipers were on. Not having your lights on in the rain isn't for you, it's for the others who can't see you. cloudy, rainy days make visibility of a car with no lights on very low. I've seen and been involved with some close calls of idiots with no lights on during downpours.

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It may be common, and it may seem like common sense... but it's a stupid thing to make a law about. Give me a break. When it's dark, people usually turn on their headlights. If they don't, there is currently a law on the books allowing them to ticket you for it. If it's rainng, people usually turn on their windshield wipers... but are you really telling me that you feel there needs to be a law requiring the use of headlights any time your wipers are on? What if, you get splashed by another driver going through a puddle on a bright sunny day? What if a driver in front of you uses their windshield wipers and the overspray hits your windshield? Etc etc. They are passing laws that are common sense, so in the off chance you don't feel that it's necessary, they can ticket your ass to make money. Seatbelts are now going to be a primary offense also. Watch out for all those drunks without seatbelts driving without their headlights on in the rain. Why not just go ahead and pass a law requiring people to wear helmets to walk? God knows you could fall and bump your head!

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i agree with the law, wtf is it stoopid..its the law cause there are many stoopid drivers that dont have common sense to turn their headlamps on when its fukin downpouring, and cant see shit..

And if they can't see shit in a downpour and are cruising around without necessary equipment, do you really think chaning a law is going to knock some sense into their dumb ass melon?

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And if they can't see shit in a downpour and are cruising around without necessary equipment, do you really think chaning a law is going to knock some sense into their dumb ass melon?

prob not, but once people start getting tix and telling everyone, the word will get out..until they issue tix, no

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And if they can't see shit in a downpour and are cruising around without necessary equipment, do you really think chaning a law is going to knock some sense into their dumb ass melon?

yeah once you get a ticket for not doing it, you probably wont forget again.

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What if, you get splashed by another driver going through a puddle on a bright sunny day? What if a driver in front of you uses their windshield wipers and the overspray hits your windshield? Etc etc. They are passing laws that are common sense, so in the off chance you don't feel that it's necessary, they can ticket your ass to make money. !

did you read the text of it?

(3) At any time when the windshield wipers of the vehicle are in use because of precipitation on the windshield.

a puddle and washer fluid overspray are not precipitation. they are not going to ticket you because you washed off your windshield for 5 seconds and didnt have your lights on :rolleyes:

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I think talon is blowing this shit out of proportion. Lets make a fucking law that says people that dont like dumb laws can't sit and bitch and piss and moan over the internet about the dumb laws, that obiously isn't that dumb in the first place. Go somewhere else with your arguement, and stop bringing up the fucking economy, CNN, Fox, MSN, MSNBC, etc do a good job of throwing that in our faces every single day, we don't need someone else doing it even more. Unless of course it is made into a law

Edited by Goldie
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Normally I'd go into a fit of anti-traffic law rage, but...whatever. I don't drive a cage often and when I do I always turn the lights on regardless of the time of day. I figure, if it's safer to ride a bike with the lights always on then it's safer to drive a car with the lights always on.

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