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Vickers Tactical Carbine II Training Video

Guest Hal

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The LAV does a pretty damn good training video, put out by Daniel Defense. Includes discussion on: malfunctions, turn, barricades, switching shoulders, moving, and transitioning. Everything follows the KISS principle and the drills are really good for becoming a better carbine user.


In short, but the video. A lot of inexperienced guys could probably benefit from the Carbine I video with covers the basics pretty in depth, from what I understand.

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That guy has been there and done that. I was trying to get a couple of my old Army buddies together so we could attend one of his carbine classes. I think it's something every person with an AR should run through, especially civilians that are new to AR's.


I know, he's definitely one bad dude. I would love to do a few of his classes, but they're a little too expensive while I'm in school. There's a guy over on SVTP that's gone through a couple of them and he can't find a single negative thing to say.

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I know, he's definitely one bad dude. I would love to do a few of his classes, but they're a little too expensive while I'm in school. There's a guy over on SVTP that's gone through a couple of them and he can't find a single negative thing to say.

His video bashing on AR15.com was awesome. It's true, there's God knows how many tacticool G.I Joe, wannabe SF type civilians that just got an AR15, and think they know their shit. Larry would knock them down pretty good, Lord knows, I'm rusty myself. Larry runs them all over, so I might wait until he comes back down to Texas. Repetative drills, turn things into muscle memory, which is what I've heard he stresses. He goes beyond the simple reflexive fire drills.

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His video bashing on AR15.com was awesome. It's true, there's God knows how many tacticool G.I Joe, wannabe SF type civilians that just got an AR15, and think they know their shit. Larry would knock them down pretty good, Lord knows, I'm rusty myself. Larry runs them all over, so I might wait until he comes back down to Texas. Repetative drills, turn things into muscle memory, which is what I've heard he stresses. He goes beyond the simple reflexive fire drills.


I know enough to make mine go bang

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His video bashing on AR15.com was awesome. It's true, there's God knows how many tacticool G.I Joe, wannabe SF type civilians that just got an AR15, and think they know their shit. Larry would knock them down pretty good, Lord knows, I'm rusty myself. Larry runs them all over, so I might wait until he comes back down to Texas. Repetative drills, turn things into muscle memory, which is what I've heard he stresses. He goes beyond the simple reflexive fire drills.


Grab one of the Carbine II videos and it will give you a few really good drills to get that muscle memory back. I feel like a complete amateur, at best, when I watch him shoot.


If I can figure out how to rip the DVD and burn a copy, I'll send you one if you want. The only problem is that I'm not that tech savvy.

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Holy awesomeness, I haven't see the AR15.com stuff before. I can't believe that people have the balls to attack a former SFOD-D guy.


"Some of you have mentioned my weight. So what? I have a news flash for you; after spending 20 years in Special Operations, surviving 3 helo crashes (2 that could have easily been fatal), untold bad parachute landings, and 10 years as an assaulter in the most difficult and demanding Unit in the US military, Yes I have a gut- after all that and being nearly 50 years old I feel that maybe I have earned the right to carry a few extra pounds. Get over it because I have. "

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If any of you are looking for some local training thats of good caliber, check out our site:




Its not weapon-specific training, but more generalist, however its good hands-on training with live instruction. The instructors there are experienced and good people. The owner has worked with Vickers as well. Course docket is on the website, its "local", and more importantly, the rates are very reasonable.


If you get over there, tell them Hillslam sent you.

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Yup, the dude is legit. Dude maybe a bigger guy now, but I still wouldn't fuck with him. Here's a little bio on his operational background:

- He participated in Operation Just Cause in Panama, including the rescue of Kurt Muse during Operation Acid Gambit, Operation Gothic Serpent in Somalia, and other still classified operations in Desert Storm and Bosnia.


I'd also love to do CSAT with (MSG) Paul Howe aswell, but I guess his classes fill up with a quickness too.


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Forgot to add, Mr.Vickers does some wonders on a 1911:



I think what most new folks should do when watching him shoot, is notice his nose and cheek placement. Nose on charging handle and a good cheek weld. Not to mention, his elbow isn't cocked in the air like I see so many people do, it's a nice tight stance.

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