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I wish I had nothing better to do than to spend effort on a dumb off the cuff comment


7pm on a weekday? what did you have going on between 7:00pm and 7:10pm?


All i did was press record and watch him chuck a crank. It's not like he ran a fucking marathon.









I can understand your point of view though, I'm sure you're a busy guy, I can understand why you wouldnt have time to throw something. It would probably result in a hospital trip followed by a trip to cvs to get your muscle relaxers.

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This is just be the most awesome that ever came out of Cr since the "Lol threaD". Every one is just gonna have a blast! We just need to find a place to host all our activities. WEOOOOOO HOOOOOO!
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lol, thats the first thing that ran through my head. but then again, so am i.


These are obviously special olympics...right?


Chill out bruh. Thats my lil gnome butty. Talk about himmm like that. :mad:

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lol, thats the first thing that ran through my head. but then again, so am i.


These are obviously special olympics...right?


Being round isn't the issue. If he were taller his form would have been much better. That would have taken him straight out o the throwing ring in a instant. Should have been done like the Hammer Toss.


Oh Chris:



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The question is not if I am fat or dumb. I am 5ft4 230 lbs yes I'm fat and also dumb but if I was a "little taller the form would have been better"- Patterson


The true question is why do fine people of CR talk shit. Make bets and then not follow through with the bet when there bluff gets called

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