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Im stuck between 2 guns for my ccw.


The first is a glock 27 III gen so I don't get the shitty grip. Reason why I like this gun is because it feels like I have somthing in my hand without being to big or to heavy along with the .40cal.I plan on buying a crimson for it later on if I choose this gun. I have not shot it yet and plan to shoot one on wensday. I can get the gun alone for $470 and the crimson is $144 but I would also have to buy a holister.


The seconds is a Taurus Tcp, its not the .380 but the .40cal. I would not have decided between this or the glock but the new model has a saftey on the trigger like the glock and the saftey is a big thing for me. I can get this gun + crimson + holister 2 mags for $509, what I do not like about it is it is very very small, but that helps when I want to stick it in my pocket and go.


This being said I also do not need the crimson trace for either gun. But for the best bang for the buck + quality what would you gun experts recommend.

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look at the M&P compact over the g27. i have the M&P9c and owned a G26 and didnt like the feel of the G26 in my hand...plus, the M&P has the interchangable grips so you can go from a smaller feel, to larger.


size-wise, theyre pretty much identical. IIRC, one of them was like 1/4" longer than the other. i think it was the glock, but i could be wrong

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I'll say it again and the Glock guys will hate me. Test the Ruger SR9c. It's got the same trigger safety from the Glock that you're looking for and you can't beat the price for what you get. I absolutely love mine and wouldn't trade it for a Glock. I was extrememly lucky and bought the first one from Gun Envy at a show when they first came out and got the new Ruger with 10 rd and 17 rd mags, hard case, speed loader, and manuals (obviously) for $380. I think they run about $430-$450 new now.


I've shot this side by side with the G26 and wouldn't give up my Ruger. Just my opinion though.

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I love my 3rd gen Glock 27. I can shoot it more accurately than my Glock 22. My G27 is my second favorite gun to carry and shoot right behind a Colt Defender. Not even a comparison between a Glock and a Taurus. I would NEVER defend my life with a Taurus pistol. They are as bad as high points in my book. I've had WAY to many bad experiences with Taurus guns over the years to ever trust them again. I'm not a fan of laser sights even though I have a lasermax guide rod installed in my G21 and G22. A good set of night sights would be a better investment and you don't have to worry about turning them on.


Also if you go with a G27 you can pick up a lone wolf 9mm and .357 Sig barrel and have 3 different guns in one. Can't do that with any Taurus or even the Glock 26.

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  Mark said:
I would NEVER defend my life with a Taurus pistol. They are as bad as high points in my book.


Wow. Lofty statement. I've never heard anyone compare anything to an HP aside from a Cobra/Jiminez Arms. I'd take a Taurus over an HP pistol any day. Not saying I wouldn't take my Ruger or a Glock over both (even combined), but man....HP pistols are BAD man.


Did anyone else notice on Vances page theres a listing for the new "Compact HiPoint 9mm"? Laughable at best. Those things are 8 round bricks.

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not that it matters but dont even waste your time with a laser on a CCW. by the time you get it out and look down for the laser its probably too late. if you have to wait to get sight of the laser you probably should just walk away.
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  BrianZ06 said:
I remember shooting the Ruger SR9 it feels nice in the hand and shoots nice as well. Off to work now so I can buy me a Ruger.


Try the SR9c. A little smaller, same features. LOVE mine...if you can't tell already. :)


  BIGGU said:
not that it matters but dont even waste your time with a laser on a CCW. by the time you get it out and look down for the laser its probably too late. if you have to wait to get sight of the laser you probably should just walk away.


This. Wife's Bodyguard came with a laser, but I had her practicing pushing the gun out from her chest and firing without it.

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  Boosted_ACE said:
Good input for me to know, that makes me more flexable to go without a laser, it was not very practical anyway. Will look at the ruger sr9c.


If laser is something you want to toy with later you can always add one. There are multiple applications for the higher end guns. Like I told my wife while trying the different revolvers, "Don't worry about the laser. You won't have time to use it."


EDIT: I just realized how redundant this post is with this thread. My bad. :)

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  yenner said:
Wow. Lofty statement. I've never heard anyone compare anything to an HP aside from a Cobra/Jiminez Arms. I'd take a Taurus over an HP pistol any day. Not saying I wouldn't take my Ruger or a Glock over both (even combined), but man....HP pistols are BAD man.


Did anyone else notice on Vances page theres a listing for the new "Compact HiPoint 9mm"? Laughable at best. Those things are 8 round bricks.


I would never just make a blanket statement like that without having personal experience with what I'm talking about. I've had many Taurus pistols and revolvers and I can't remember one I didn't have an issue with so I've stayed clear of them for the last 5 or 6 years. Quality might have gotten a little better, but I'm not going to chance it. Taurus might be a little better than hi points but not by much... again in my book.. I'm glad you like your Taurus and I hope it never fails on you when you need it the most. For me it was worth the extra couple hundred dollars to get a gun I have 100% confidence in. That's why I have a Colt and a Glock as my carry weapons. Your life is worth more than trying to save a few dollars on a gun that will more than likely hold it's value anyways if you buy quality. Taurus' aren't known for holding their value like a Glock, Colt, Sig Sauer, HK......

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  Mark said:
I would never just make a blanket statement like that without having personal experience with what I'm talking about. I've had many Taurus pistols and revolvers and I can't remember one I didn't have an issue with so I've stayed clear of them for the last 5 or 6 years. Quality might have gotten a little better, but I'm not going to chance it. Taurus might be a little better than hi points but not by much... again in my book.. I'm glad you like your Taurus and I hope it never fails on you when you need it the most. For me it was worth the extra couple hundred dollars to get a gun I have 100% confidence in. That's why I have a Colt and a Glock as my carry weapons. Your life is worth more than trying to save a few dollars on a gun that will more than likely hold it's value anyways if you buy quality. Taurus' aren't known for holding their value like a Glock, Colt, Sig Sauer, HK......


Miscommunication. :) I don't own a Taurus and don't know if I ever will. Maybe a Judge for kicks, but more than likely I won't.


I carry a Ruger SR9c that has increased in value since I purchased it and the wife carries an S&W Bodyguard .38 Special. I don't know of anyone who carries a Taurus. Frineds and fam carry Rugers, FNP-9, Glocks, S&W, etc. so I would agree with you 100% about spending the money for a reliable weapon, especailly if it's what you're using as a defense weapon.


I was just saying that HP pistols suck. TRBL. I loved my 995TS but that's a totally different story. I was simply trying to say that if someone compares anything to an HP they must think the absolute worse of it, which it sounds like you do and with good reason due to experience. That's all. :)

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  yenner said:
Miscommunication. :) I don't own a Taurus and don't know if I ever will. Maybe a Judge for kicks, but more than likely I won't.


I carry a Ruger SR9c that has increased in value since I purchased it and the wife carries an S&W Bodyguard .38 Special. I don't know of anyone who carries a Taurus. Frineds and fam carry Rugers, FNP-9, Glocks, S&W, etc. so I would agree with you 100% about spending the money for a reliable weapon, especailly if it's what you're using as a defense weapon.


I was just saying that HP pistols suck. TRBL. I loved my 995TS but that's a totally different story. I was simply trying to say that if someone compares anything to an HP they must think the absolute worse of it, which it sounds like you do and with good reason due to experience. That's all. :)


The HP 995 is a fun gun to plink with. I actually own one. I really have nothing good to say about Taurus firearms other than a couple of them are pretty nice looking and that's it.

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  Lt. Aldo Raine said:
I carry my 2 friends thunder and lightning




No breaks! Santa Claus doesn't give any breaks!


  Mark said:
The HP 995 is a fun gun to plink with. I actually own one. I really have nothing good to say about Taurus firearms other than a couple of them are pretty nice looking and that's it.


Have only fired 1, but I don't even like the way they feel so...

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Both of my siblings carry the Glock 22 4th gen as their duty weapons. I was asking him about what to get and he highly suggested the Glock 27. Having shot his Glock 22 I am going to agree. Very comfortable to shoot, smooth pull, and because of the comfortable/natural feeling grip if you need to unload a clip and fast you will be much more accurate with it.
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  spkcadet said:
Both of my siblings carry the Glock 22 4th gen as their duty weapons. I was asking him about what to get and he highly suggested the Glock 27. Having shot his Glock 22 I am going to agree. Very comfortable to shoot, smooth pull, and because of the comfortable/natural feeling grip if you need to unload a clip and fast you will be much more accurate with it.


You could also unload a mag easily.


Anyway, comfort is in the eye of the gun-holder. What's comfortable for me to shoot is impossible for my wife. Best way is to test for yourself.

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