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Is there a scooter crew?


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Vince, you need an airplane next. Then, a submarine. Then you will have successfully purchased every mode of private transportation available. :D


Correct. Ultralight is somewhere in the next decade.


I'd rather get a little worse economy and ride a sportbike honestly, but good for you.


Had numerous. Wasn't looking for a crotch rocket this time. My back is to the point there is no way I could ride one of those again.


u trying to flip it on us Ol Vincy? gotta keep prices on the hush hush huh


I have never "flipped" a car on CR solely to make money. I go through a fuckload of cars. I have made money on some, lost a ton on others. I estimate I am -$10,000 on cars I sold here. But, I know you were half joking.


Truth is I get kind of tired of everyone always asking me what $$ I bought and sold things for. What's strange is that people have actually gotten butt hurt when I decline to share.


Back on topic... just took it out for a spin. Cruises at 70mph smooth as can be. Comfy. Tons of wind/bug protection. I dig it for now.


I discovered the "k-mod" today, lol. First mod coming soon. :)

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just read somewhere that it gets 65-70mpg. If that is the case I could save about $120 a month in gas just comuting to and from work and I only drive 14miles one way. The saving in gas might make it worth while!
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