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PS3 Owners, read this -HACKED AGAIN.


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Let's be conservative and say that credit monitoring for a year costs $10 per account.

That would cost sony north of $7 Billion.


I dont think they will offer the service or they would have already. It's probably lawsuit or nothing.

And since the SCoTUS just decided companies can bar clients from joining class action suits and force them into arbitration, I'd say it's nothing.


You're gonna have to explain how you reached $7bn, 70m users x $10 = $700m.


My roommate has his PS3 next to my Xbox 360. We play all sports games on PS3 (NHL11, etc) and all shooters on Xbox.

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I just can't believe PSN is still down. I can't even log into my Netflix now (I was able to previously by just entering my PSN login a couple of times).


It could be worse - I could own an Xbox 360.


You amuse me. If it's not a PS3, LSx, or 90% off it sucks.

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An update came out for the PS3 on Saturday and it requires you to reset your PSN password. Network was having some issues yesterday due to the flood of people trying to reset their passwords and log back on. According to Sony, the Network is back up all across the US. I haven't tried logging on since yesterday and had to go to the PSN website to change my password today. From what I have read, the Store is not back up yet.
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I logged in yesterday, played one game of Black ops (i forgot how I don't really care for that game), it was laggy, switched to Medal of Honor, it was stupid laggy, then played MW2 without any problems. The store was down. Once you sign in, it installs an update and then forces you to change your password.
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You amuse me. If it's not a PS3, LSx, or 90% off it sucks.

Sorry if Xbox sucks in comparison. I've messed with both, and the PS3 is simply better. There are little things here and there the Xbox does better, but overall it is simply inferior to the PS3.


As for your other two items - LSx is awesome, but there are some other great engines out there. And though I prefer 90% off, I am happy with lower discounts as well. Sorry you enjoy paying retail for everything; I am able to buy more cool shit because I am a cheap bastard. :)


And PSN is FINALLY up. I had to create a new registration as my old e-mail address is no longer valid and you can't just straight login without having something they want to confirm via e-mail. :(

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Hey guys, guess what.


This is the fourth fucking time. Not as serious as the others, but still shows how incompetent they are.




I'd say your post was slightly misleading. Just a tad, now, calm down. ;) In other news, PSN itself is fine.

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