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RIP Kenny...


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  Lpsanders13 said:
Don't you find it weird that a woman returning from bible study would inadvertently kill a man (RIP)? You think God would reward a person for devoting their extra time to studying the bible.

There is no magic man in the sky to help you. Just blind ass 70 year old delusional women who don't look before pulling out, so put your faith in that. She was too busy reading her bible and not watching for other motorists, to hell with cell phones, make it illegal to pray and drive.

You pray, I will keep my head up and eyes open....

God = Fake

Idiot cagers = will actaully smite you

This sucks, as soon as I saw the article I KNEW it had to be someone on either here or CR.com... Of course, that is the downside to these forums, every time someone gets hurt or arrested from motor sports locally, I seem to know them at least casually.

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  NinjaNick said:
WHOA! He was at the Dyno Day last year?

Then I met/saw him too.

I wish I had a face with the name.

Is this his avatar ?


RIP Kenny. We will miss you buddy. :( I always enjoyed his posts.

Might have been a diff dyno day. I met him there but I don't think you were there....

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  NinjaNick said:
WHOA! He was at the Dyno Day last year?

Then I met/saw him too.

I wish I had a face with the name.

Is this his avatar ?


RIP Kenny. We will miss you buddy. :( I always enjoyed his posts.

Yeah you met him at that Dyno Day. And yeah, that's his avatar.


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  Tomcat0403 said:
It seems to me from the media that the woman may have been in the wrong by pulling out in front of them. They said there were no skid marks, which means one of two things (to me) 1) he didn't have time to react because they were too close to the intersection or 2) they were trying to go around the car.

I did some calculations for reaction time. Avg reaction time is 2.5 seconds. So if he was traveling at 100mph (supposedly) he would have traveled around 366 ft in those 2.5 seconds. For a person going 65 mph (which is the norm on henderson) the reaction time is 238 ft, only a 126 ft difference and time wise a one second difference.

Looking at this, it means that the 70 year old lady would have pulled out in front of them when they were a maximum of 370 ft away, and with a normal speed on that road she would have only had 3.5 seconds to clear the intersection. Unless this is lead foot granny, she pulled into the intersection causing the crash...

+1 Exactly.

Even if they WERE running a bit fast, I have no doubt where the fault lies. We all see this crap happen all the time and I can't believe that there is anyone on a street bike that has not had someone pull the same stunt with nearly the same consequences. I know it happens to me almost daily. Nothing like locking a bike up and sliding it half sideways to a stop only to have the old broad behind the wheel give you dirty looks for squealing tires.... And people wonder why I get all "psycho biker" on the cagers.... :nono:

Oh, and may you welcomed into the mead halls of Valhalla by Odin himself, Kenny.

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  SAMBUSA said:
I am amazed at how many people are putting the blame on the rider. Unbelievable.

Godspeed Kenny

It could happen to any of us at any time. Instead of bickering and trying to place blame, call your loved ones tell them you love them. Call your friends and family just to say hi. You never know if or when it will happen to you.

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  Casper said:
It could happen to any of us at any time. Instead of bickering and trying to place blame, call your loved ones tell them you love them. Call your friends and family just to say hi. You never know if or when it will happen to you.

quoted for truth!!!!

remember that friend you havent got to talk to in a few months give them a call and catch up. either of you could be next.

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Blame, regardless of where it is cast, is not going to console those left behind. I know i'm a newb here, but people are grieving over a terrible loss and now is not the time for blame. Now is the time to find comfort in memories of those that have them, and support those left behind who will have to deal with this loss for the rest of thier lives.

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  Casper said:
It could happen to any of us at any time. Instead of bickering and trying to place blame, call your loved ones tell them you love them. Call your friends and family just to say hi. You never know if or when it will happen to you.

Amen Ben!!! We never know when it is the time for GOD to allow us to come home! I just got a text from someone on CR about this. RIP. I pray comfort and peace for his family.

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This sucks, its always so hard and sad when a fellow rider loses their life, especially someone on this forum and who knew so many people. Call your family to tell them that you love them or your friends just to talk. Every time we take a ride, we take a risk.

RIP. Kenny.

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There is no magic man in the sky to help you. Just blind ass 70 year old delusional women who don't look before pulling out' date=' so put your faith in that. She was too busy reading her bible and not watching for other motorists, to hell with cell phones, make it illegal to pray and drive.

You pray, I will keep my head up and eyes open....

God = Fake

Idiot cagers = will actaully smite you [/quote']


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This is very sad news. Honestly, God or not, him speeding or the driver not looking. We all see people pull out in front of us occasionally and it pisses us off but I'm sure quite a few of us are guilty of going too fast as well, god knows most of these bikes can go from 0 to double the speed limit in about a blink of the eye. What happened here won't be figured out in this thread. The fact is, it doesn't matter and it's very sad that he's gone whether it was driver negligence or rider stupidity or a bad case of motorcycle narcolepsy..... honestly who knows. I think someone said it earlier, stop arguing and just tell your loved one's that you love them because this could happen to any of us. There is no reason to perpetuate the negativity of this situation. If we are looking for some good to come out of this then spread the word.... drivers watch out for motorcycles and riders don't ride like idiots on the street.... don't drink and drive or ride etc etc. End of story.

I don't know if I ever met Kenny but I was at the dyno day last year for a bit. My sympathies go out to his friends and family. This is a very sad way to go

Edited by vw151
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Some Kenny quotes from Columbus Racing Spaceghost found. I thought I'd pass them along.

12th January 2009, 10:45 PM

  kenny said:

As said plenty of times before, take MSF, buy good gear, ride like you're invisible. Never look back. 2 wheels > 4 wheels.

11th January 2009, 01:43 AM

  kenny said:
The best piece of advice you can get is to ride like you're invisible at all times.

No one pays attention to motorcycles. They treat them as cars. Cover your ass.

2nd January 2009, 01:34 PM

  kenny said:
Waa someone almost hit me waa.

That shit happens daily. Act like you're invisible, get used to it, and wear your man pants.

Waa I haven't even hit the ground waa.

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