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Bass Players


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Any bass players on here? What is your skill level? What kind of music are you into?


Yes, but I haven't played in a while. I'm only average. I like to play a variety of music, from jazz to rock to 80's stuff.

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I've been playing for about 9/10 years. I play really anything, just whatever I am listening to at the time. Lately I am playing a bit of misfits and Beatles to unwind after work. I'm alright, was in a band in HS, that's it.



Also, any favorites around here for setups? Both my Gibson and Yamaha could use one, and the string shoppe closed.

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I been playing since I was a 14 year old pup. Mainly classic rock.


5th Ave Fret shop rebuild my 1968 model jazz bass a few years ago and just redid by Rickenbacker over the holidays. They are the best in town.

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What type of band are you trying to start? I play in a band and have posted some of our music on here recently. Im not educated at all about music but, I love to play and have made some pretty good stuff. I prefer original music and try to avoid covers. I really prefer anything in the punk type genres.
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I've been playing for 15 years. Guitar for 20. Far more proficient bassist. I currently have a 1984 Fender P-bass, Carvin 300w amp and 15" cab. My premier rig is an Ibanez 405QM, Hartke LH500, and Hartke VX215. Also have a Basstar travel bass for kicks and giggles.


As for level? I hate to judge myself as I always see room to improve. I'm no Claypool, Flea, or Wooten, but I have played everything from Southern Gospel to Screamo on stage, and I don't just mean at the local church Christmas pageant...although I've done that too.


My last band opened for Saving Jane with 5 other bands and was the only asked back when they came back to town. We also opened for Days of the New and Seven Mary Three.


Current band has had an offer from a national artist to produce our album, but unfortunately, it's just not what we want in life. Great opportunity, but I don't think we're gonna persue it.


I hate discussing things like this through text because I feel like context gets lost and arrogance is always assumed. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I can and have played with about any band. I have filled in many times and recorded with a few. My apologies if that sounds overwhelmingly egotistic. I assure you, it's not. I have a few buddies that are far better bassists than I, such as Josh Masters of Lovesick Radio and Joey Thompson of Though She Wrote.


Anyways, that's a little about me.


EDIT: Tried adding pics but FB is gay.

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