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Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him


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This reminds me of when SWAT raided that dudes house for an ounce of weed and killed his dogs. Its truly pathetic. I dont know how im suppose to have respect for LE when shit like this happens.
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Now on the other side of it there are many, many gang members that have joined the military for training and relocation to spread their influence.



Your post made me curious as to what you posted previously.... What gang members do you know that have a strong enough work ethic to go through and complete boot camp? I know people that have turned their life around THEN joined the military. The lazy bastards I knew/know spend their time playing video games, selling drugs, and standing around being super hardcore. Not running around the globe recruiting new members. I'm curious to know why you said this.

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It is a common tactic to attack the person and not their statement when you have no rational argument or fact in hand to refute a statement. Democrats and liberals do it all the time.


It's common for children to fail. It's ok, that's part of learning. I hope you continue to learn so that one day you can have a discussion with the big boys. Until that time, please retire to your pack and play for a nap.

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Your post made me curious as to what you posted previously.... What gang members do you know that have a strong enough work ethic to go through and complete boot camp? I know people that have turned their life around THEN joined the military. The lazy bastards I knew/know spend their time playing video games, selling drugs, and standing around being super hardcore. Not running around the globe recruiting new members. I'm curious to know why you said this.


He said it because he presents opinion as fact then proceeds to attempt to call out other people for not citing stats and actual facts. :dumb:

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Someone like who?


What do you know about me?


You have proven your reasoning ability and your point of view quite honestly when you attacked the person and not the statement.


How about I gather some facts about the psych profile of SWAT officers and back them with case in point. Like Officer Paul Duncan of Framingham SWAT officer who on March 1st, 2011 accidentally fired his rifle and shot a 68 year old man in front of his family while he was laying on his face with his hand behind his back. It was his 8th kill of an unarmed person. Or maybe the fine officers of Las Vegas SWAT that shot and killed an unarmed 21 year old Trevon Cole to stop him from flushing his pot down the toilet. Seems that they had spent the day drinking before conducting the raid. And not as tragic but defiantly an example of abuse of power George Funti spent three days in jail for possessing a controlled substance that he didn't actually posses. Even though a detail report had identified the substance as residue from his heart pills that did not stop Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office from arresting the 65 year old in front of his grand children and leaving him in a cell for three days almost one month later because Deputy Stephen Reynolds assured the arresting deputies that it really was cocaine and not what the report said it was.


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Someone like who?


What do you know about me?


You have proven your reasoning ability and your point of view quite honestly when you attacked the person and not the statement.


How about I gather some facts about the psych profile of SWAT officers and back them with case in point. Like Officer Paul Duncan of Framingham SWAT officer who on March 1st, 2011 accidentally fired his rifle and shot a 68 year old man in front of his family while he was laying on his face with his hand behind his back. It was his 8th kill of an unarmed person. Or maybe the fine officers of Las Vegas SWAT that shot and killed an unarmed 21 year old Trevon Cole to stop him from flushing his pot down the toilet. Seems that they had spent the day drinking before conducting the raid. And not as tragic but defiantly an example of abuse of power George Funti spent three days in jail for possessing a controlled substance that he didn't actually posses. Even though a detail report had identified the substance as residue from his heart pills that did not stop Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office from arresting the 65 year old in front of his grand children and leaving him in a cell for three days almost one month later because Deputy Stephen Reynolds assured the arresting deputies that it really was cocaine and not what the report said it was.


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The line of work they are in is high stress. These are still individuals and as such there is room for human error. You could find hundreds of thousands of these types of situations.. however on the other hand you could find trillions of successful reports. When your job is to be called in during high risk situations you are going to have more casualties. You cant group the entire department based off of a handful of mistakes. Many departments have SWAT teams and many of those members have unblemished records. It really is a shame that the mistakes happen, there are also many cases when better judgment should have been shown.. but dont let these few brand the majority.


I know you probably haven't had a chance to respond yet but I am genuinely curious about the gang question.

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Look up my CR resume to see if I would like to continue your "fight". I have some beers to attend to, but I'll be back. I strongly suggest you read up on my background or get some references before entering into this. That being said, I would be happy to destroy you in a battle of "intellect" when I'm good and drunk.

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The line of work they are in is high stress. These are still individuals and as such there is room for human error. You could find hundreds of thousands of these types of situations.. however on the other hand you could find trillions of successful reports. When your job is to be called in during high risk situations you are going to have more casualties. You cant group the entire department based off of a handful of mistakes. Many departments have SWAT teams and many of those members have unblemished records. It really is a shame that the mistakes happen, there are also many cases when better judgment should have been shown.. but dont let these few brand the majority.


I know you probably haven't had a chance to respond yet but I am genuinely curious about the gang question.


Brian, you didn't read his earlier statement. If you had read it, you would know that, essentially, all SWAT officers are Nazi's.

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I still don't give a shit about a high stress job as an excuse for fucking up on your job. I feel exactly the same way if I was allergic to cheese and I tell you, "PLEASE don't make my taco without cheese it will make me sick!" but you still put it on there and I eat it. Same deal if I was in my castle and you come barging in and shoot me over drugs I don't have. If you can't do your job get a new one. My only pet peeve is someone who is incompetent at their job.
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If the job is too stressful, get another job.


If all you want to do is get home safe, get another job.


An as far as saying SWAT officers are NAZI's. Where did I say that they were socialist or members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party?

Edited by Jester1975
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I still don't give a shit about a high stress job as an excuse for fucking up on your job. I feel exactly the same way if I was allergic to cheese and I tell you, "PLEASE don't make my taco without cheese it will make me sick!" but you still put it on there and I eat it. Same deal if I was in my castle and you come barging in and shoot me over drugs I don't have. If you can't do your job get a new one. My only pet peeve is someone who is incompetent at their job.


I'm sure they all passed the training and appeared competent before this happened. If they didnt their history will become public knowledge quickly with the right lawyer.

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I'm sure they all passed the training and appeared competent before this happened. If they didnt their history will become public knowledge quickly with the right lawyer.


All the required training gives less of an excuse for fucking up. I don't know maybe I am too awesome for the rest of the world to handle. :megusta:

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LE = Law Enforcement [Officers]


SWAT = Special Weapons and Tactics


with in = within


That did absolutely zero to help me understand that dude's gibberish.


I don't need help with the abbreviations/acronyms. I need help understanding what the fuck he means when he's referencing some personality disorder, something called "statist," and how those two things have to do with people being shot for knowing their legal rights.

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Someone like who?


What do you know about me?


You have proven your reasoning ability and your point of view quite honestly when you attacked the person and not the statement.


How about I gather some facts about the psych profile of SWAT officers and back them with case in point. Like Officer Paul Duncan of Framingham SWAT officer who on March 1st, 2011 accidentally fired his rifle and shot a 68 year old man in front of his family while he was laying on his face with his hand behind his back. It was his 8th kill of an unarmed person. Or maybe the fine officers of Las Vegas SWAT that shot and killed an unarmed 21 year old Trevon Cole to stop him from flushing his pot down the toilet. Seems that they had spent the day drinking before conducting the raid. And not as tragic but defiantly an example of abuse of power George Funti spent three days in jail for possessing a controlled substance that he didn't actually posses. Even though a detail report had identified the substance as residue from his heart pills that did not stop Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office from arresting the 65 year old in front of his grand children and leaving him in a cell for three days almost one month later because Deputy Stephen Reynolds assured the arresting deputies that it really was cocaine and not what the report said it was.


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You sound like a crazy fucking hermit. It seems like you're just making shit up.



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V8 Beast - You had a question?


Johnny Bravo - whats not to understand? The English language? And as far as making things up, you can fact check each one of those.

Edited by Jester1975
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All the required training gives less of an excuse for fucking up. I don't know maybe I am too awesome for the rest of the world to handle. :megusta:


I think you missed my point. Messing up is part of being human. If you expect perfection in the line of fire you watch too much tv.


Actually they do expect perfection.. I bet that guy is being ripped a new one.

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Johnny Bravo - whats not to understand? The English language? And as far as making things up, you can fact check each one of those.


Exactly how much lead did you sprinkle on your Corn Flakes as a kid?


Start by explaining to us what "personality disorder" members of SWAT have. Go.

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