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Shocking case of animal cruelty.


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This is how I see it as well. Where I grew up shooting or otherwise torturing cats was pretty normal. To me I'd rather torture a dog than a cat, but whatever.


A flaming cat running through a neighborhood is pretty funny, but now that I look back its amazing no one ever burned down a garage or house.


Is this real life?

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This is how I see it as well. Where I grew up shooting or otherwise torturing cats was pretty normal. To me I'd rather torture a dog than a cat, but whatever.


A flaming cat running through a neighborhood is pretty funny, but now that I look back its amazing no one ever burned down a garage or house.


Another thing that was pretty funny was my brother trying to throw gas on a fire, catching can on fire and then being to stupid to just throw the can instead of running around the front yard with it yelling and getting most of his hair burned off.


If you didn't kick those guys in balls please turn in your "I am a normal person" card.

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If you didn't kick those guys in balls please turn in your "I am a normal person" card.


Kicked my brother plenty of times, but it didn't make him any smarter or prevent breeding.

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I've seen it done and everyone grew up fine as anyone else.


This is how I see it as well. Where I grew up shooting or otherwise torturing cats was pretty normal. To me I'd rather torture a dog than a cat, but whatever.


A flaming cat running through a neighborhood is pretty funny, but now that I look back its amazing no one ever burned down a garage or house.


Another thing that was pretty funny was my brother trying to throw gas on a fire, catching can on fire and then being to stupid to just throw the can instead of running around the front yard with it yelling and getting most of his hair burned off.


You are a piece of shit and I think it would be pretty funny to see you running through a neighborhood on fire.

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Whether its fireworks, extremely dangerous driving, whatever your thing is, chances are you made some bad decisions for the sake of making bad decisions. Its part of growing up. There's just some people who are bored for too long and given a bit too much freedom and they get carried away and end up doing something super fucked up like this.

You don't compare cruelty to driving or accidentally calling the wrong girl and using the other girl's name. :confused:


I've seen it done and everyone grew up fine as anyone else.

I doubt it. Just becuz you survive society or dont do time, doesnt mean you're "fine".


Ah the hypocracy. How many of you would be whining if it was a cat?

Cruelty is cruelty. I dont give a shit if it's a cat or a dog or any other living creature. I've taught my child better.


This is how I see it as well. Where I grew up shooting or otherwise torturing cats was pretty normal. To me I'd rather torture a dog than a cat, but whatever.


A flaming cat running through a neighborhood is pretty funny, but now that I look back its amazing no one ever burned down a garage or house.


Another thing that was pretty funny was my brother trying to throw gas on a fire, catching can on fire and then being to stupid to just throw the can instead of running around the front yard with it yelling and getting most of his hair burned off.

Years ago I dated a girl with an older brother in Houston. One night, I pop over to their house only to have this fuck tell me about earlier how him and his friends lit a cat on fire and watched it scream down the road. I dropped his sorry fucking ass on the spot. I kid you not. The fact he thought I would find it funny apalled me.


I rarely if ever judge anyone on an internet forum, but you sir need to get your mental priorities in order. If you can't understand what's wrong with it, you're more fucked than you realize.


One more thing. Growing up in a small town is a bullshti fucking excuse. I grew up in small towns, much smaller than you can imagine. I also lived in Los Angeles and other big cities. I found more things to do in a little town as a kid. Oh, and my friends and I NEVER tortured animals.

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You don't compare cruelty to driving or accidentally calling the wrong girl and using the other girl's name. :confused:


I doubt it. Just becuz you survive society or dont do time, doesnt mean you're "fine".


Cruelty is cruelty. I dont give a shit if it's a cat or a dog or any other living creature. I've taught my child better.


Years ago I dated a girl with an older brother in Houston. One night, I pop over to their house only to have this fuck tell me about how him and his friends lit a cat on fire and watched it scream down the road. I dropped his sorry fucking ass on the spot. I kid you not. The fact he thought I would find it funny apalled me.


I rarely if ever judge anyone on an internet forum, but you sir need to get your mental priorities in order. If you can't understand what's wrong with it, you're more fucked than you realize.


+ a whole fucking lot

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Never said I did it. Just said it want uncommon.


Then you proceeded to justify it and find amusement from it. If you can't understand why that upsets people, I don't know what to tell you other than you'll be here after 6pm tonight. Murder isn't uncommon, either. It doesn't mean it doesn't upset people or that you won't be ostracised on a public forum.

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Sure I understand. I should stay out of these discussions but its difficult to be silent while people say they'd rather kill a human, or that killing an animal is even close to murder.


I love dogs and cats, ask copperhead or anyone else who knows me personally, but to me they are simply animals. I'll even have some cats/dogs around when my kids get older. I know how fun they are growing up.

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Sure I understand. I should stay out of these discussions but its difficult to be silent while people say they'd rather kill a human, or that killing an animal is even close to murder.


I love dogs and cats, ask copperhead or anyone else who knows me personally, but to me they are simply animals. I'll even have some cats/dogs around when my kids get older. I know how fun they are growing up.


Who said they'd rather kill a human? What are you talking about? This was about four teenage boys apparently torturing a dog. Then you pop off about torturing cats and laughing when cats are set on fire. Am I taking crazy pills here? Who in the hell would every think anything you've said in this thread would be the least bit justifiable?


Yeah, maybe you really should just keep silent.


There's a really good saying that says something to the effect of this: It's better to remain silent and leave some uncertainty about your idiocy than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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I don't care what religion or beliefs you follow but almost all of them teach you not to unnecessary kill or torture a sentient being. Sentient meaning they are aware of their own existence and can feel pain. Tractor is ok with this and that makes him a very evil person. I hope Satan rapes you in the ass when you wake up in hell.
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Confusion Troll sows confusion


Leaves thread unable to recognize when their nipples are being tweaked.




I wonder how many cat thread posts I could find on CR if I were'nt lazier than fuck? Plenty in recent memory.

There's the "Free Cat" thread (dead cat on road, haha funny?)

There's the "Hang cats by their tails over a clothesline and watch em fight" thread (haha that was funny too?)

There's the "I'm fucking going to shoot these stray cats out my back alley" thread (lets all sympathize?)

There's the... and so on.


Oh there's a scant couple of you who are truly animal lovers, of all sorts.


The rest of you? Yeah...


I've analyzed CR in my jumbotron-bullshit-detector-3000 and find CR: full of shit.

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Sure I understand. I should stay out of these discussions but its difficult to be silent while people say they'd rather kill a human, or that killing an animal is even close to murder.


I love dogs and cats, ask copperhead or anyone else who knows me personally, but to me they are simply animals. I'll even have some cats/dogs around when my kids get older. I know how fun they are growing up.


you made the same comments a few years ago when someone posted the video of the foreign girl throwing the dogs into the river---


scary, that people think like this.





found the thread. wtf is wrong with you



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you made the same comments a few years ago when someone posted the video of the foreign girl throwing the dogs into the river---

scary, that people think like this.


found the thread. wtf is wrong with you





Not by any means agreeing with or condoning either act, but Tractor is right.....both are typical of Southern Ohio. My wife grew up on a far in the sticks of Noble County and this is still not uncommon down there. Sad but true.

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They identified 153 men who had been prosecuted for animal cruelty and compared their criminal records to a group of "next door neighbors" — men who were similar in age, ethnic background, neighborhood, and economic status. Their findings were convincing: men who abused animals were five times more likely to have been arrested for violence against humans, four times more likely to have committed property crimes, and three times more likely to have records for drug and disorderly conduct offenses.

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you made the same comments a few years ago when someone posted the video of the foreign girl throwing the dogs into the river---


scary, that people think like this.





found the thread. wtf is wrong with you




It's simple. The guy is a redneck, hillbilly, imbred piece of fucking shit.

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They identified 153 men who had been prosecuted for animal cruelty and compared their criminal records to a group of "next door neighbors" — men who were similar in age, ethnic background, neighborhood, and economic status. Their findings were convincing: men who abused animals were five times more likely to have been arrested for violence against humans, four times more likely to have committed property crimes, and three times more likely to have records for drug and disorderly conduct offenses.



That fits much of Noble County for sure.

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Who said they'd rather kill a human? What are you talking about? This was about four teenage boys apparently torturing a dog. Then you pop off about torturing cats and laughing when cats are set on fire. Am I taking crazy pills here? Who in the hell would every think anything you've said in this thread would be the least bit justifiable?


Yeah, maybe you really should just keep silent.


There's a really good saying that says something to the effect of this: It's better to remain silent and leave some uncertainty about your idiocy than open your mouth and remove all doubt.


You forgot to point out this little gem:

To me I'd rather torture a dog than a cat, but whatever.


Can we get a ban simply for the chance that this guy is a psycho?

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Evidence for my ban request:


I guess I'm old school, but I don't particularly see anything wrong with it and the yelping made it pretty funny to me.

So your all serious and none of you LOL'd? Even just a little?

Actually one of the posts did remind me of my grandpa and his garden. He uses live cage traps to keep ground hawgs, rabbits and other things out. He then employes gasoline and fire just so you get the idea.


Hehe wouldnt that make a great video you double standard pussies.

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