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Pregnant Palestinian woman at Israeli checkpoint




This is a woman who about a year earlier was treated for massive burn over her body from a cooking gas tank explosion. She is stopped at the border when she wants to return to the same hospital in Israel due to pregnancy.


Due to suspicion and security integrity, she is asked to undress at the border terminal. Yes, her pants blow up.





And the world asks: "why do the Israelis need checkpoints, and a border fence?" watch the video, and "get" the answer.


Too bad the world doesn't "get it”!!

Watch the 3 minute video:


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Because this battle has been going on for thousands, yes, thousands of years. And will continue to.


This isn't really an answer - just because something has been going on for thousands - yes, thousands - of years doesn't mean anyone is necessarily to blame.

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Because they stole a country from the Palestinians when after WWI the Ottoman empire collapsed and the Europeans took control of the area?


Wait, the Europeans took control of it, or Israel did? I'm a little confused.


And, FWIW, I'm not trying to start shit - I'm as much a fan of history as the next person and just trying to understand the point you are making.

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Wait, the Europeans took control of it, or Israel did? I'm a little confused.


And, FWIW, I'm not trying to start shit - I'm as much a fan of history as the next person and just trying to understand the point you are making.


After the Ottoman empire fell the League of Nations passed the Palestine Mandate or British Mandate for Palestine. The British divided up the land into self-ruling Transjordan (what is now Saudi Arabia) and Palestine under British rule. When antisemitism in Europe started to increase in the 1920's Jewish people started to immigrate to the Palestinian region. People who were in Palestine did not like this massive immigration because they thought they were losing their Arab identity so after a number of conflicts the British first proposed a two state solution in 1937 with the Peel Commission.


After WWII the UN decided to partition the area in to an Arab State, a Jewish State, and an international zone. The Arabs did not like this because a majority of people living in the Jewish state were Arab, but they went along with the plan and Israel got recognition from the UN. After this declaration some Arab states (Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq) went to war with Israel and when Israel won they expanded their border beyond the previous agreement and divided most of the rest up between Jordan, Syria and Egypt.



I'm sure that isn't a complete history, but I hope I was able to get the basics down alright.

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Really, please explain to me how they "stole" the country?


Maybe "stole" was the wrong word, but there was a land that was almost entirely Arab and over a few decades the people living there lost complete control over their land to immigrants, and still to this day do not have independence, and are constantly losing more land to Israeli "settlements" being built. I am not saying suicide bombing or terrorism is right in any way, but the desperation of the Palestinian people needs to be understood along with the many forces in Israel that have done them wrong (and still do), and who do not want peace because it would cost them money/aid, and they would have to stop building new "settlements".

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Really, please explain to me how they "stole" the country?


Just to clarify my view, I do believe that Israel has a right to exist in the area, and to do it in peace, but they should stick to the 1967 boarders. With this "Arab Spring" happening I think it would be a good time to start trying to make peace and create a democratic Palestinian neighbor for Israel because continuing in this conflict hurts the Palestinian and Israeli people. My dislike for Israeli policy at the moment is that I feel like the people in power in Israel don't really want peace as much as they claim to because of the money and power that they get to keep by having a constant threat against the country (the Palestinian leaders aren't much better).

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Then my representative for this thread is......Cat Hitler...



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Just to clarify my view, I do believe that Israel has a right to exist in the area, and to do it in peace, but they should stick to the 1967 boarders. With this "Arab Spring" happening I think it would be a good time to start trying to make peace and create a democratic Palestinian neighbor for Israel because continuing in this conflict hurts the Palestinian and Israeli people. My dislike for Israeli policy at the moment is that I feel like the people in power in Israel don't really want peace as much as they claim to because of the money and power that they get to keep by having a constant threat against the country (the Palestinian leaders aren't much better).



Wow, so should we give the US back to the Native Americans? How about all other conquered land in the world? I mean how far back would you like to go?

If Israel goes back to the 67 boarders there still will not be peace. Was there peace after Israel gave back all of the captured land after the six day war, no. Was there peace after Israel gave back the Gaza Strip, no. Why would this be different?

Nothing will change and if you think going back to the 67 boards will help you are flat out wrong.

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