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Guest Tank

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I dont think we should tell our new members to be anyone but themselves when they first post. I want to know the real person not some made up persona to get acess to the site.


We need to just smile and turn the other cheek. I mean, I really don't care, actually I wish him well. I will be laughin' my head off when he's burnin' in hell. Think he's really righteous? Think he's pure in heart? Well I know a lot of guys more humble than he art.


Now gangsta ass ni**as come in all shapes and colors, some were even killed in the past. But this gansta, right here, this was a smart one. I started livin' for the lord and I last. The op hit the pen and let a motherfucker shank ya, now he's in the free world talkin' shit, do the shit. Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins.


In closing, I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end. It literally feels like a lifetime ago, but I still remember the day like it was yesterday though. They said they was ridin' to the death, but where the fuck are they now? What y'all really want? One more time, I'm gonna spit at you, some shit that's gonna get at you and be fuckin' with your mind. Columbus Racing ain't nothin' to fuck wit, Columbus Racing ain't nothin' to fuck wit. I be tossin' and flossin' my style is awesome. And the survey said, gtfo noob.

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We need to just smile and turn the other cheek. I mean, I really don't care, actually I wish him well. I will be laughin' my head off when he's burnin' in hell. Think he's really righteous? Think he's pure in heart? Well I know a lot of guys more humble than he art.


Now gangsta ass ni**as come in all shapes and colors, some were even killed in the past. But this gansta, right here, this was a smart one. I started livin' for the lord and I last. The op hit the pen and let a motherfucker shank ya, now he's in the free world talkin' shit, do the shit. Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins.


In closing, I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end. It literally feels like a lifetime ago, but I still remember the day like it was yesterday though. They said they was ridin' to the death, but where the fuck are they now? What y'all really want? One more time, I'm gonna spit at you, some shit that's gonna get at you and be fuckin' with your mind. Columbus Racing ain't nothin' to fuck wit, Columbus Racing ain't nothin' to fuck wit. I be tossin' and flossin' my style is awesome. And the survey said, gtfo noob.



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I was student at cscc and I was doing some things on the streets that put money in my pocket. I wasn't knocking over old lady's or robbing no one. Just out there doing what I could to put food in my family's mouth. I'm not going to get into great details on it. I did what I had to do and I would have done it a million times over again if I were in that situation. 3 years ain't shit when you make enough to support the people you love.


My first guess is that this is all a sham. John L, is this you? Maybe a prank by a mod?


If you're for real, Tank, you're pretty credulous. You were, "Just out there doing what I could to put food in my family's mouth.......I did what I had to do." I'd say you didn't learn much for being down three years. How does owning an H2, an Escalade, and a bunch of other cars and bikes, while accumulating "stacks" to hold you over a good long time fit into your idea of doing what you had to do or putting food in your family's mouth? I guess the H2 was so you could go to the grocery to pick up food for your hungry children, eh?


I think you've stepped into the wrong place if this is your thinking. Your ill-gotten gains and the "toys" you hope to buy with your illegal earnings aren't going to impress anyone here. I don't speak for Columbus Racing, but I would say this: The people I respect are the people who are into cars and racing. People who have learned about driving/building/tuning/repairing/detailing or driving cars. It takes no special talent to buy a baller car (I know). But a kid who is given a cheap wreck of a car, works on it with his Dad's help, learns from his buddies, takes on a part-time job to buy parts, and then takes it to the track and runs 15's is going to be someone who'll have my respect. Someone who hustles on the street to buy some bling and then claims to have been a victim of his circumstances "doing what I had to do to support my family" is a disgrace. It makes no difference to me what color you are and whether your crime was punching old ladies, pimping, selling crack, or stealing car stereos. Nobody is forced to do that to buy Escalades. Anyone who is stupid enough to say, after they were caught once, that they'd do it all again, must have really liked his bunkie more than his babies and their momma(s).


And your purpose for joing CR is to try to get a deal on a car or a bike? I don't think we need you here. You can work better angles on Craig's List. It was made for someone like you.


Am I wrong? Is this too harsh? You claim to have lots of friends who are members on here -- let them step up and vouch for you. I'll be the first to admit it if I'm wrong.


My negative rep is signed. It won't be hard to identify me at a meet.

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Guest Tank
I didn't come on here trying to start a fight with anyone. I came on here to talk auto sports with guys and gals with the same interest. Just because I spent some time away does that not warrant my the same access to a website and a chance like any other free person? I've paid my debt to society, I'm not goon to apologize for living my life and playing the cards I was dealt. I'm not sorry for what I did because I did it. It was a life expierence and you learn from it. I don't regret my past because it made my a stronger person. For your info I've hung out with the guys from prk, I know about the whole dead street scene, I know a lot about this site. No one told me it was this hard to get on the site. Everyone will form their own opinion of me, I'm not hating on anyone cause I don't know any of you. I'm not trying to get on here and post whore it up, sound like some ricer kid, or call out everyone and tell you how fast my cars will be. I'm straight up with my peoples, and I'm a quite kind of guy. If I don't get in, I have no problem with it I can clearly see how uptight and unforgiving most of you are. I hope you never make a mistake in your rightous lives because you will not be able to accept the burden of judgement since you are all so easy to pass it. And I know for a fact I'm not the only person on this web site with a felony. The same people you joke with and run next to could have a felony just the same as I. Remember that
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And I know for a fact I'm not the only person on this web site with a felony. The same people you joke with and run next to could have a felony just the same as I. Remember that


The difference being you came to a car forum WITHOUT having a car. And your very first post states you just got out of prison, almost like you are proud of it.


Plus you won't name your "friends" on this site even though asked by several people.... And none of these friends have stopped by to say "hey good to see you signed up." Obviously you know someone on here though because you know there is a TBSS for sale........ Even though this is a large car forum, its still a pretty close knit community.


My suggestion to you, once you get settled into your life and have a car and are seriously interested in being part of the community here, create a new intro thread - Post pics. I only see this going down hill until then. :(

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this is not a hard site to get into. plenty of people on this site right now with no car, or a non-running car. plenty of people on this site have done illegal things in the past, maybe worse than you. i don't have a problem with people who have been in prison, but you state you would have done the same thing over again, which clearly means you did not learn from your mistake.


doing illegal things to put food on the table is different from doing illegal things to buy cadillacs, vettes, and other sports cars, only to get out of prison and have a stack of money waiting for you. the way i see it, everyone on this forum pays taxes that have been feeding/housing/clothing/caring for you over the past 3 years, while it doesn't appear that you've learned your lesson. at the very least, you owe it to people to be honest if you're seriously looking to join the site.

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It all makes sense now.....:dumb:


I am with holding my positive rep untill Phil,Dover or brandon vouch for you.


He parties with people from CR, he should totally be in...

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I want to say thank you for being honest. This is not the right place for you now but it could be somewhere down the road like Tina said. On a personal note you should look deep into the actions that caused you to lose 3 years of your life. Learn from it and do everything in your power to never let it happen again. I would typically say no one has a right to judge you however this area was made to judge people You gave us all the info and we judged you based on that. Your lack of remorse for your actions have lead us to believe this site is not a good fit for you. Your account will be deleted later tonight.
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