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Open Letter To The Asshole(s) That Knocked Over My Bike Last Night


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She got off real easy to be honest. A friend suggested I put her "out of the way" and that was a corner next to a fence. Well they pushed her into the fence and the mirror took most of it, then held her up off the ground. So she never really touched the ground, and there is no plastic rash.

The mirror, end weight, and windscreen were scratched




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thats why i like my ole srad, i dont care if it gets pushed over, i might even go do it myself right now for kicks and giggles!

sorry to hear that bro, new mirror, paint the barend, might as well get an aftermarket screen, and your good to go,

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fuck yeah there is! im really into the old monster movies, thats the creature from the black lagoon, and i dunno why, but i dunno about the octopus, i have a half sleeve of two of them fighting over an anchor, so maybe thats why?

and what the hell? i forgot about the bimmer symbol, i havent had a bimmer in like...3 years i guess.

i need a new sig

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