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IPhone vs. Storm....advice please!!!


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I know there are BUNCHES of techy people on here so I wanted some advice. I JUST now got out of my sprint contract b/c of the multitude of issues I've had the past few months with my palm treo 755p. It sucked!!! I have to have a touch screen. Don't really care too much about picture male. I do need to have the ability to add several medical programs though. I've heard that the storm isn't as fast as the iphone but verizon has MUCH better service.

Right now I use my phone for work and use about 2500 minutes (at least) on a slow month. I only pay $118/month for unlimited access at sprint. I could not find an unlimited plan on the iphone.

Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Go Iphone. I, as well as a few others here have them and I have never looked back. The amount of different applications you can put on the iphone is amazing. It looks there is a unlimited minute plan on the Iphone for 99.99 from what i can tell when I view my account online. It's called Nation unlimited.

Edited by Pedro
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$100/month for a phone is insane. I just pay $40 something with 500 peak minutes, unlimited nights and weekends, unlimited verizon in-network calling. I wouldn't have a cell if it costs that much. I just use them for what they were meant for to begin with. Talking.

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I have the Storm as does my Dad and more than a few co-workers. Only a few complaints and we all generally like it better than our other Blackberrys/PDAs we've had. The iPhone seems pretty cool though. If I were in between service providers I'm not sure which I would chose.

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Having the iPhone (both the 2G and the 3G now), I'm all for the iPhone. It's flexibility is unparalleled, and the support community can't be beat.

Read the reviews of the Storm. They weren't glowing when it came out. They're done a few firmware releases to help it out, but the bottom line at launch was that it wasn't nearly as refined to use as it should've been. The click screen is a great concept, but they didn't pull it off very well, and the reaction times for certain things is horrendous, depending on what the processor is stuck doing. One review even said that at it's worst, it took the device almost 15 seconds to rotate from portrait to landscape when it flipped it over. Seriously, count 15 seconds and think about the device taking that long to turn the screen after you tell it to.

My iPhone is jailbroken & unlocked, and there isn't anything I can't seem to do with it. I've also never had reception problems, especially since the 3G went past firmware version 2.1.

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Thanks guys. My best friend Jeff has the storm and really likes it BUT he doesn't have to pay for it either. My work reimburses me $100/month for any phone I get. I'm really leaning towards the IPhone right now. The instinct doesn't support epocrates which is the software I used like a million times a day. They have a free version for the iphone right now but not so sure about the storm.

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Having the iPhone (both the 2G and the 3G now), I'm all for the iPhone. It's flexibility is unparalleled, and the support community can't be beat.

Read the reviews of the Storm. They weren't glowing when it came out. They're done a few firmware releases to help it out, but the bottom line at launch was that it wasn't nearly as refined to use as it should've been. The click screen is a great concept, but they didn't pull it off very well, and the reaction times for certain things is horrendous, depending on what the processor is stuck doing. One review even said that at it's worst, it took the device almost 15 seconds to rotate from portrait to landscape when it flipped it over. Seriously, count 15 seconds and think about the device taking that long to turn the screen after you tell it to.

My iPhone is jailbroken & unlocked, and there isn't anything I can't seem to do with it. I've also never had reception problems, especially since the 3G went past firmware version 2.1.

I have experienced minor lag a few times but nothing like was being reported when it first came. The click screen works great; people just weren't used to it I guess. I like being able to separate actions such as tapping the screen vs clicking it. I do wish it had WiFi though, but that's only a minor complaint.

One reason I probably wouldn't buy an iPhone... you knew they are milking you dry when they didn't even have 3G in the first release.

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My girl got the Storm the day that it was released, and I pretty much had to set it up for her due to her frustration with the firmware. The next firmware release SOLVED many of the problems claimed by reviewers at the Storm's launch. Not to mention great reception from Verizon.

iPhone: I LOVE it (and I don't even own one). The only issue is reception and dropped calls (although that's incrementally beginning to improve).

The Storm does have a bit of a lag, and as aforementioned, depending on what the processor is currently doing, that lag may multiply. It's locked up a couple of times (requiring a quick reset), and running med. programs may prove to be a little taxing on the processor.


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iphones are great until you try to take a video or send a picture message...

there "isnt an app for that"...

That is true, but if you're only looking for apps in the Apple store, you're not really using the phone right ;)

There's plenty of solutions for those in Cydia....

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