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Halo 4


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Its not anything new for big budget games to get a lot of buzz a year or more in advance. They talked and showed Oblivion details/screens and videos for somewhere around 3 years...


But yeah anyone who thought Reach was the end obviously doesn't have a clue how the industry works, or business for that matter. It was the end of Bungie and Halo that was it. Not going to say I won't play it, I probably will but I am definitly not "excited" for it. Might change depending on what Microsoft/343 Industries does with the franchise.

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As a sequel to Reach this one should been called... REACH-AROUND


:dumb: Would be almost funny if it was a sequal to reach. This one occurs after Halo 3. Reach occured before ALL the halo Games.

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:dumb: Would be almost funny if it was a sequal to reach.


I suppose they are ALL sequels to Reach in a way. :masturboy:


Why Is Bungie not doing Halo any longer?



They were deservedly tired of it. Though some of the folks that worked on the old games split with Bungie and joined 343 Industries.

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honestly, i have an unopened reach sitting down by my xbox. i just didn't have the time to learn the new game, and only play online---so i still play halo 3. on a side note, has anyone read the halo books---there's quite a few, and they're all pretty damn good.
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honestly, i have an unopened reach sitting down by my xbox. i just didn't have the time to learn the new game, and only play online---so i still play halo 3. on a side note, has anyone read the halo books---there's quite a few, and they're all pretty damn good.



:no:Should I admit to this ??? Is this a trick ???













:fuckyeah:Yes I did read a couple of them, and they were DAAAAAMN good. Particularly the Nylund books. Also sort of Enders game-y.










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