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Sorry Lebron....


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Love this. I was so excited last night. Lebron is such a baby. Expects all touch fouls to be called for him yet has never committed a foul himself. Hope he never wins.


My hatred of lebron is not leaving cleveland based. Above opinion applied to his play there as well.

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he'll be taking his talents






back to the drawing board. pussy. loved watching the game. like he said in the press conference afterwards, i had to wake up the same person that i was yesterday, and continue on with my 'regular' life, while he continues "to do what he wants to do". well, i guess if 'doing what he wants to do' is choking in the 4th quarter of important games, then, yes, he will probably continue doing that.

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When the whole "The Decision" came about, I was fairly neutral about LeBron. I'm not really a Cavs fan, I didn't really care about him leaving, though the way he did it made me raise by eyebrows a bit. Now, though, I'm firmly convinced he's a douche. In the past year - based on what he's said and how he's acted - I've formed the impression that he's childish, egotistical, self-entitled, whiny, and a bit lazy. I was glad to see Dallas win (see Dirk Nowitski for how an NBA player should act - with complete class) and happy to see the Miami Lebron's lose.
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Why didn't LeBron go to college?




























































































He didn't want to show up for the finals.


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He'll get a ring at some point in his career and Miami will be a dominating team within the next few.


I will agree with this but change dominating to a contending team every year for the next 5 to 7.

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I was ok with "The Descision" and the way Lebron left, but when the "Big 3" did this I thought it was arrogant, distasteful, and flat out annoying and made me want nothing more than for them to not win a ring. I am happy Dirk got his ring because there IMO wasn't a more deserving active player in the NBA.

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People who say if he gets a ring, that will make him better than MJ or kobe. It wont. Even if he wins 5, he wont be better.


He became something else entirely when he left Cleveland and basically waved a white flag. We've never seen anything like it really. Not at this point in a player's career. People can argue that Ray Allen and KG joined Paul Pierce in Boston and did the same thing but all 3 were at the end of their primes and neither were close to a title where they were. Lebron had already been to the NBA Finals essentially by himself, they were retooling that team constantly trying to get over the hump, he bailed and still didn't get over the hump.


I really thought the Heat had it figured out during the Boston series and were on their way to a title but with the way NO ONE took responsibility at the end of the last few games in the Finals you just can't know anymore. Lebron's "it's not going to be my fault we lose" attitude rubbed off on even Wade in game 6. Was unbelievable to watch.

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