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The Failed Abortions Club


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no bro, stop with the children comments. if you have to stoop to that level in order to stay in race then get out.





You are cool in my book man, i just dont like when people take stabs at other people kids.


I agree. Then this happened.



speaking or kids




or kid
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Well if I leave the women out of it there's nothing to say about this picture.


For some reason the term "bloke" comes to mind looking at you. Credit for not being a bitch and posting a pic of yourself.


Explain what you mean by bloke bruh. Hope you aren't cutting on me :no:





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How would you know? You cant count.


Maybe the Count could help you. Watch a couple sesame streets with your kids. They might like the pretty colored puppets, the whole family could drool at the Tv while you attempt to keep up at the math exercises. Dont worry, you dont have to run or anything. Youre brain will hurt though. And youll feel just as tired if you did go for a jog.



really james really

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This. Thank you brian.


As for the rest of you degenerate fucks that think picking on innocent toddlers is ok, Get help. It's fucked up, I'm sure your therapists tell you that weekly.


Cant be a therapist with a ginger being rapist. :gabe:

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Only leveling the playin field.



you're mad that you're a fat lonely piece of shit that cant get a chick or a running car.


sorry that I'm not addicted to wendy's french fries, my car runs (probably cost a hell of a lot less than your heap of shit) and that i have a loving caring family, which is something else you cant seem to aquire.


If your shortcomings in life bother you enough to feel the need to pick on 19 month old babies, you have problems. seek help. not trying to be a dick or insult you, but with your attitude you dont deserve to be working in a place that has children in your general vicinity.


no bro, stop with the children comments. if you have to stoop to that level in order to stay in race then get out.



you sir have earned my respect.





























you sir have had my respect. you know how to push buttons without getting personal, a lot can be learned from your style.

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you're mad that you're a fat lonely piece of shit that cant get a chick or a running car.


sorry that I'm not addicted to wendy's french fries, my car runs (probably cost a hell of a lot less than your heap of shit) and that i have a loving caring family, which is something else you cant seem to aquire.


If your shortcomings in life bother you enough to feel the need to pick on 19 month old babies, you have problems. seek help. not trying to be a dick or insult you, but with your attitude you dont deserve to be working in a place that has children in your general vicinity.




you sir have earned my respect.



you sir have had my respect. you know how to push buttons without getting personal, a lot can be learned from your style.


I try to keep it as unpersonal as possible while making fun of the person the whole time either through words or pics.. Notice how I've never said one word about your girl or kid. I just posted silly pics.

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Oh, btw, if you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen. U MAD BRUH cuz i made funny gifs. Go cry with cody.


Again you've shown your lack of sensibility and intelligence. If you can't handle my kitchen, get out.



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