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Worst ebattle in the history of CR


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When did CR turn into a trailer park wrestling ring? SirFailsALot needs to get off this fucking site and take care of his family and give up "e-battling" on CR. You want to be defensive about your kid and your girl? Give them a better life, get a real fucking job and stop posting on a site that was mean to be based on RACING and PORN.


Someone needs to post a photoshop pic of "The Full Monte", with his girls head covering up his '70s bush.


Phil you should be way above having to prove anything to this low-life.

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Holy fuck.



My mind is blown, so if you'll be kind enough to excuse me, ill be in my lab.

Is this your lab?



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I think it is about time for some cleaning around here :)


Unless Anthony or Tina say no, I will be doing some e-Highlander work later.


You're an admin, damn their approval. Step out of your lady skirt, into your man pants, and rain down some justice upon CR.

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You're an admin, damn their approval. Step out of your lady skirt, into your man pants, and rain down some justice upon CR.


Last time I did that managment got mad :(


This time I will ask first before I go 800 lb ape on the fucktards.

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This whole thing is just getting old...


Please, for the sake of CR, whatever powers that may exist, please, give us something new to fucking do...




i agree with christian.


listening to AJ and james repeat the same "arguments" over and over again is

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Last time I did that managment got mad :(


This time I will ask first before I go 800 lb ape on the fucktards.


Tell "management" to lick your nuts and stop micromanaging.

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if you dont do it wagner, i will revoke your man card as well as your trans am until you grow your balls back. In which case i may give the man card back, but im keeping the car


Tina has a wicked backhand and I don't want to feel the wrath of Anthony's limp wristed slaps again :(

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I wonder if the ogs thought the class of 08-09 threads were this horrible. I used to thread shit a lot, but this is like forum shitting. When will it end



This shit is like watching a bunch of band geeks try to fuck.


It is not even funny stuff that is the sad thing.

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