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Worst ebattle in the history of CR


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Tina has a wicked backhand and I don't want to feel the wrath of Anthony's limp wristed slaps again :(


Do you shop at Ann Taylor Loft for your skirts or do you just get them at Kohl's?

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this thread is terrible. reminds me of high school drama, but even worse--


talk all the shit you want to the adults, but i'd leave the kids out of it. picking on a child is absolutely tasteless, even in the 'kitchen'.

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I like to think of myself as fairly un-biased, but even I don't like you. Please change password with a mix of scrambled letters and log out. CR (and evidently your girl) will thank you.






:dumb: Of course you dont like me. You probably didn't like me from day one on this site, given my only recollection of you is someone who has posted something negative toward me. I'm not bothered by it at all, but it does leave one question in my mind. Am I supposed to give a fuck about you or pretend I know/want to know who you are? Sorry to burst your little bubble, I don't give a flying fuck about you. If you were to have never existed, my world would be exactly the same. In fact, I don't even care enough about you to pass judgement on you. It's clear you care that much about me though. Thanks for that.







Aj. <3

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Ok kids here is the deal.


Word from the top is you fucksticks need to stop this bullshit now. Don't care who started it, don't care who finished it but it stops now.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns talk to Anthony or Tina.


Anything less than full compliance will lead to you e-Beheading and removal from the site.


Any bullshit response to this from the offending parties and you will be banned until Anthony decides to let you back on.


If you have a problem with any of this please do the following:


1. Go fuck yourself with some barbed wire.

2. Log out



Thanks and have a great day!

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Ok kids here is the deal.


Word from the top is you fucksticks need to stop this bullshit now. Don't care who started it, don't care who finished it but it stops now.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns talk to Anthony or Tina.


Anything less than full compliance will lead to you e-Beheading and removal from the site.


Any bullshit response to this from the offending parties and you will be banned until Anthony decides to let you back on.


If you have a problem with any of this please do the following:


1. Go fuck yourself with some barbed wire.

2. Log out



Thanks and have a great day!



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i just want a short list so i know if i should turn off the internets when im a half bottle of jack deep tonight. ya know, self preservation.


That might be relivant to your whole self preservation idea. Not everybody finds you as good looking and funny as you find yourself.

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It is offically troll hunting season, and I gots me a new rifle :)


It must be a strange rifle. How does the trigger work? Is it remotely controlled by Anthony and Tina? Maybe I'm wrong and it's just a really small caliber, something like you take a kid shooting with.

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