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Football Trick play


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Neither play is illegal...if it touches the centers hands and goes to a player it's completely legal.


The ball has to go from one player (the center) to another player (qb or direct snap) in one fluid backwards direction. Picking the ball up, moving it forward and then turning around and handing it to the qb is illegal. You can not do that. A team tried doing that to us in high school. We knew about it because it has been done so many time so the second the ball left the ground everyone went after the qb but the refs already stopped it at that point. And they stopped it because it's illegal. I just watched it again and some other tard is saying the same thing in the comments. If I cared a little more I'd go and look it up but since I don't well just leave it at that.

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Just watched both again. The first one is legal. The second one is illegal.


The second ones legal in little league and high school from an execution stand point. See how hes standing as he hands the ball over in one continuous motion. The second video isnt that great but it looks like the one in the video below...






To take it a step further the one in the video I just posted is now illegal. This is because prior to the snap they verbally called to the sideline in a way to trick out the other team. Its viewed the same as a defence barking out the cadence as a way to throw off the offense. I cant really hear what they are saying in either of the 2 videos but they may both be illegal depending on what was said to the sideline before the ball was hiked.

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Am I the only one who would have been off the line the second I saw any movement from the ball? I played both center and defensive line (different positions) and if the ball moved, I was going.
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