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Utilities/Heat Pump/E-Heat


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Anyone on the forum use a heat pump on their house with an electric furnace for emergency heat?

I'm curious to know how much those cold days this past January and February affected your kwH usage. I want to find out if there are others out there that wanted to vomit over any increases they may have seen. Am I the only one???

Still not believing all the factors that Ohio Edison threw at me and not seeing those factors adding up to the difference in kwH usage, I finally got them to agree to test the meter. If the meter is bad, they said they would adjust our bill accordingly. If it's good, "it is what it is" as the customer service person said over the phone.

They said someone would be out in 10-15 days to switch out the meter and then 20-25 days after that, they'd have results.......

Before getting them agree to test it, which was never an option mentioned by them, Ohio Edison said we could hire an electrician to evaluate our electrical usage.....

My thoughts are still scattered about the situation. We've lived in the house for almost two years. We have made no changes or even added any major appliances.

Here's our historical usage information. All reading are actual readings.


Any thoughts or suggestions??

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I have one of these systems and this years bills were over the top! Mine is only 4 years old and i have used it for all 4 years and this past winter i saw record high bills! It was normaly around $300 a month max and the Avg this winter was close to $500!!! I turned it off 2 months ago and started using portable kerosene heaters and saved mass $$$

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I have one of these systems and this years bills were over the top! Mine is only 4 years old and i have used it for all 4 years and this past winter i saw record high bills! It was normaly around $300 a month max and the Avg this winter was close to $500!!! I turned it off 2 months ago and started using portable kerosene heaters and saved mass $$$

Our bill would typicall by $300 max too but it was $783 for Jan 20 - Feb 19...I'd barely accept a 50% increase but over a 100%....It's enough to make me want to go and shake the shit out of somebody.

Good thing you chose to use an alternative before those bone chilling subzero days... I checked the weather history and those cold days were through the last weeks of Jan and first weeks of Feb.

Edited by sonavabeech
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We have a heat pump at our house. and simply dont use it. I switch it to emergency and let it do its thing. Not sure how big your house is or what your heating habits are but my max bill this winter was $270. Our place is about 1500 sq ft and with 20 ft lofted ceilings just as a reference... and shitty insulation around the doors and windows.

I wont use the heat pump b/c its doesnt start giving heat until it runs for 5 minutes.. doesnt seem efficient to me.

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We have a heat pump with furnace for emergency heat but I've only had the house since Jan. Our highest bill was only $126 but I also kept the thermostat at 62 degrees. I figure if we're cold, we can either put on more clothes or build a fire..... I realize it's a terrible inefficient system though, and I'm going to have to replace it....

I don't blame you for aggressively pursuing the issue though. That kind of bill would make me sick to my stomach as well.

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Our house is about 2200 sq ft. Built in 1992. Is your e-heat gas or electric?

Electric.. but I am a freak about having lights off if not in the room, heat down to 64 at night and during day while at work. When home the heat is set to 68-70. And I still have a somewhat high bill.. much of which is due to the house being built in the 60's and poor insulation.

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There's only two of us and we do leave certain lights on. But nothing different since day one. That's what annoys me the most. That and you know that the utility company not going to go out their way to help figure anything out. It's not like we can get our electricity from someone else.

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You don't live alone? :eek: That is ICE. I keep ours at 75 degrees. We have gas and our peak months are Jan-Mar. It's normally $160 for those 3 months.

Nope, I bought the house and asked mr schmuckerson to move in with me! I know it's kinda cruel, 62 degrees and all, but I'm a mean lady like that..........

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Wow your energy bills are insane.

My hightest gas bill is $100 and electric is about $60. Summer kills me with my high electric bill of $150.

Programable thermostat with the house heated for showers in the morning and evening from 3-9 and then 60 degrees during the day and bedtime.

You guys must make a ton of $$$$$$.

I must be a tight wad.

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