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Obama on the late show...


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I wouldn't call him "my dude", but I just figured if others' can post pointless crap. I should be able to too. :rolleyes:

Yea, what he said wasn't "PC" but there's WAY worse things, people need to relax and get a sense of humor. Our last prez couldn't even form sentences properly. At least we're one step beyond that.

You wouldn't call him your dude? Funny, I remember you being one of his staunchest supporters.

Yeah, you're right....picking on defenseless, mentally challenged kids isn't nearly as bad as poor grammar.

You took my words out of context. Again, not unexpected. It seems to be the norm.

Again...if you're not practicing what you preach, then don't preach. You wanna call Obama an idiot for saying what he said? FINE. I'll stand right next to you and say the same. You wanna call Obama an idiot and in the next few words you're talking about drool on chins? Um no. I don't have a problem if you want to refer to those kids as droolers..that's your perogative. Just don't bash someone else while you do it.

Just quoting what you said. Personally, I didn't bash any kids. That was someone else.

Explain to me though, why you wouldn't hold the President to a higher standard of conduct than a DJ or a Cartoonist.

I'll wait.

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You wouldn't call him your dude? Funny, I remember you being one of his staunchest supporters.

Yeah, you're right....picking on defenseless, mentally challenged kids isn't nearly as bad as poor grammar.

Just quoting what you said. Personally, I didn't bash any kids. That was someone else.

Explain to me though, why you wouldn't hold the President to a higher standard of conduct than a DJ or a Cartoonist.

I'll wait.

I didn't say I wouldn't...I never brought those people in the conversation. You did. You obviously didn't read anything I typed..you just waited for your chance to respond.


And yeah, you quoted what I said but there were statements before and after that quote you managed to leave out that explained what I was saying. Not surprised...quoting everything I said in front and behind would make your argument moot.

I'm not going to bother repeating my original point...because people on here obviously only read what they want, and throw everything else away. I could say it 10 more times in bold 90 point font, and someone will only quote 5 words and try to make an argument out of that.

Carry on.

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Just because I was a HEAVY detractor of the current neo-Con platform, does not make me a "staunch supporter" of Obama. There's a difference, and once again the fallacy of the two-party system. And I really don't think you want to get into what's worse when comparing administrations.

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You know... I recorded it and I just watched it a few minute ago. What's crazy is that I didn't hear anything about the Special Olympics on there. I was all hyped up waiting to hear about it and it never came up. I'm going to watch it again tomorrow to see if somehow I missed it. I did listen to him talking about bowling a 129 and everyone clapping. Jay made a funny and they moved on. I wonder if big brother did his ninja editing overnight?

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You know... I recorded it and I just watched it a few minute ago. What's crazy is that I didn't hear anything about the Special Olympics on there. I was all hyped up waiting to hear about it and it never came up. I'm going to watch it again tomorrow to see if somehow I missed it. I did listen to him talking about bowling a 129 and everyone clapping. Jay made a funny and they moved on. I wonder if big brother did his ninja editing overnight?

It's there... it's just hard to hear because Leno talks over it when Obama mutters it.

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I'm pretty sure that most know that I cant stand Obobo, but if we are going to bash on him then lets save it for issues that really matter. In some peoples eyes he was insensitive, get over it. That's one thing I cant stand about American society. "Whaaa, you called somebody a retard." Get some thicker skin and shut the fuck up.

Wanna bash him when he further fucks up the economy? Or when he continues to push for a Socialist government? Have at it. He is a fucking douche bag and will fuck up just like our previous Presidents have. Dammit, now I probably pissed off the people who use a douche

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Top 10 gaffes by Barack Obama and Joe Biden


Socially awkward and clumsy at times....check

Ignorance on protocol..... check

Forgetful.... check

But, there's nothing regarding actual POLICY. No waterboarding, no secret wiretapping, no "lost documentation", just some mistakes any one of us could've made. Nothing that really reflects political policy judgment.

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except for the last part. He hasn't proven to be a douchebag socialist to me just yet.

Lol. Guess either you haven't been listening to much he has said, your head is just abnormally thick, or you don't konw the definition of socialism. Pretty much every policy he has pushed thus far is socialistic in nature.

-Gov controls the banks

-Gov controls the car companies

-Gov controls health care

-Gov controls free speech


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Lol. Guess either you haven't been listening to much he has said, your head is just abnormally thick, or you don't konw the definition of socialism. Pretty much every policy he has pushed thus far is socialistic in nature.

-Gov controls the banks

-Gov controls the car companies

-Gov controls health care

-Gov controls free speech


Srsly? Wow, and you think I'm the clueless one? How many socialist countries have you visited? :rolleyes:

It wasn't Obama's CHOICE to control the banks and car companies... that was a "necessity", which is debatable, but most of the economists think it's the right thing to do to prevent a financial collapse on a GLOBAL scale.

Apparently you don't understand his health care policy either. It's giving people a CHOICE, not mandating gov't health care. You should really do your homework.

Give me an example where the Obama administration is trying to stifle free speech beyond what Bush has? This administration has been MUCH more transparent than the previous one.

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Yeah, well when you get elected based on the fact that, your not the former president... what do you really expect? No one actually KNOWS anything about they guy. McCain gave them a 2 foot stack of medical records.... he gave a single page that said some random doc thought he was fit. McCain gave them ANY records they wanted... Obama had his birth certificate sealed. lol. See any patterns here?

So uh uh uh ho ho ho ho on on on on no no but but but well well remember welll what i'm well here's what i'm suggesting I passed some of tha tha tha death which which which next question.

Did he think that was a sentence?

Oh yeah... a battle of the wits against an unarmed person is never a good thing. lol. Remember, these people fell in love with the phrase "We want change"... but never stopped to ask if the change would be positive or negative. Like it can only go one way. lol. Don't insult retarded individuals by calling Obamans retards.

:D I'm likin' the new guy!! :lol:

4 minutes. I'm impressed.

Took me awhile to find the picture


I wouldn't call him "my dude", but I just figured if others' can post pointless crap. I should be able to too. :rolleyes:

HUHHHH?!? :eek: You're kiddin' me, right J??? What....You gonna distance yourself at his first faux pas?

Yea, what he said wasn't "PC" but there's WAY worse things, people need to relax and get a sense of humor. Our last prez couldn't even form sentences properly. At least we're one step beyond that.
Why?!? Because he insulted people grammatically correct?!? :nono:
You wouldn't call him your dude? Funny, I remember you being one of his staunchest supporters.
DING!.....Fries are done!!
Yeah, you're right....picking on defenseless, mentally challenged kids isn't nearly as bad as poor grammar.

Explain to me though, why you wouldn't hold the President to a higher standard of conduct than a DJ or a Cartoonist.

I'll wait.

Double DING!!

I also love how the AP reported earlier this week that BoBo's chief economist says the economy's fundamentals "are sound". :confused: Nowwww....Didn't we hear that same exact thing from Georgie Poo & his staff for 8 years, and didn't BoBo campaign HEAVILY on the fact that the economy was a freakin' wreck?!?

Funny how his story has changed in 8 weeks. MAN....He REALLY is good....I mean to get things turned around soooo quickly!! :rolleyes:

Talk about hypocrisy & bull$hit

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....no "lost documentation", just some mistakes any one of us could've made.

Seriously Justin?!? Are you gonna leave the door that wide open for me on the whole "Birth CertificateGate" ;)

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Just because I was a HEAVY detractor of the current neo-Con platform, does not make me a "staunch supporter" of Obama. There's a difference, and once again the fallacy of the two-party system.

Let's not become a practitioner of revisionist history here Justin.....I repsect you far more than that. I don't agree with you on this subject, but you do your homework & make me think about the other side

You were the first person after the Board Crash of '08 to immediately come back & re-open the BoBo can of worms......For which you were rewarded with a sharp tongue lashing from one Rocky Balboa

Speaking of which.....Where the hell's Rocky been lately?? Doesn't seem like I've seen him post in quite some time

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Srsly? Wow, and you think I'm the clueless one? How many socialist countries have you visited? :rolleyes:

It wasn't Obama's CHOICE to control the banks and car companies... that was a "necessity", which is debatable, but most of the economists think it's the right thing to do to prevent a financial collapse on a GLOBAL scale.

Apparently you don't understand his health care policy either. It's giving people a CHOICE, not mandating gov't health care. You should really do your homework.

Give me an example where the Obama administration is trying to stifle free speech beyond what Bush has? This administration has been MUCH more transparent than the previous one.

The government taking control of the banking system, was not a necessity. The free market system can, and has always taken care of its self and it would again if it were allowed to. You might take note to all the banks trying to GIVE BACK the money now that they have actually realized what this government oversight is going to mean. What good has it actually done so far? $218 million in bonuses to the big wigs sure has helped line the pockets of those who have caused the problem… but has it really HELPED the situation? GM... has been given more money at this point than their current value as a company, and in the future will be forced by people who don’t know shit about cars, to build cars no one wants, while continuing to be locked in bed with the Unions who give them no choice but to pay $71 an hour for workers that don’t actually work half the day. That sounds like an excellent plan to me. Don’t allow them to “fail” so they can restructure and get rid of the unions that are fucking them over as a company. You need to prop them up so that they can continue the failed business practices that put them in this situation. Dude, you must be an economist.

How many choices to Canadians have in their healthcare? They have one within the boarders of Canada. Maybe you should do some homework. Right now people have choices in their healthcare. Just wait till they "fix" it and they are the only game in town.

Which part has been transparent exactly? Which part has been bipartisan exactly? I realize they have told us they have been... but when you read about what they are actually DOING... it's just not the case. And, it's called the "Fairness Doctorin". Look it up.

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You were the first person after the Board Crash of '08 to immediately come back & re-open the BoBo can of worms......For which you were rewarded with a sharp tongue lashing from one Rocky Balboa

I still stand by my statement that just because I was a heavy detractor for the neoCon platform, does not make me a staunch Democrat. You'll find that my articles and postings were more along the lines of "Here's what McCain/Palin/GOP are doing that it wrong, misleading, hypocritical, etc." than "Here's all the RIGHT things Barack and the Dem's are doing."

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The government taking control of the banking system, was not a necessity. The free market system can, and has always taken care of its self and it would again if it were allowed to. You might take note to all the banks trying to GIVE BACK the money now that they have actually realized what this government oversight is going to mean.

Citation needed.

What good has it actually done so far? $218 million in bonuses to the big wigs sure has helped line the pockets of those who have caused the problem… but has it really HELPED the situation? GM... has been given more money at this point than their current value as a company, and in the future will be forced by people who don’t know shit about cars, to build cars no one wants, while continuing to be locked in bed with the Unions who give them no choice but to pay $71 an hour for workers that don’t actually work half the day.

Citation needed, both for what you define as "current value" (assets/stock price/??) and the $71/hr wage.

Don’t allow them to “fail” so they can restructure and get rid of the unions that are fucking them over as a company. You need to prop them up so that they can continue the failed business practices that put them in this situation. Dude, you must be an economist.

Citation needed as proof of unions "fucking the company over." The unions don't decide what cars to build and where to invest capital.

How many choices to Canadians have in their healthcare? They have one within the boarders of Canada.

Maybe you should do some homework. Right now people have choices in their healthcare. Just wait till they "fix" it and they are the only game in town.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_and_American_health_care_systems_compared Hmm, it seems people in Canada can choose whatever doctor they want... funny, because here in the US, we can only choose doctors that our insurance wants us to choose.


Trust me... I do my homework.

Which part has been transparent exactly? Which part has been bipartisan exactly? I realize they have told us they have been... but when you read about what they are actually DOING... it's just not the case. And, it's called the "Fairness Doctorin". Look it up.

Well, when you have FOX (all right) and MSNBC (all left)... that's fair, is it not? You still haven't answered my question from the last post - where has Obama's administration stifled free speech? If you're going to make such a grandiose charge, you should have information to back it up.

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Citation needed.

Citation needed, both for what you define as "current value" (assets/stock price/??) and the $71/hr wage.

Citation needed as proof of unions "fucking the company over." The unions don't decide what cars to build and where to invest capital.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_and_American_health_care_systems_compared Hmm, it seems people in Canada can choose whatever doctor they want... funny, because here in the US, we can only choose doctors that our insurance wants us to choose.


Trust me... I do my homework.

Well, when you have FOX (all right) and MSNBC (all left)... that's fair, is it not? You still haven't answered my question from the last post - where has Obama's administration stifled free speech? If you're going to make such a grandiose charge, you should have information to back it up.

Ok, I'm done throwing facts at a brick wall with an opinion. You don't have thoughts... you have feelings, and you can't have an argument once you stoop to that level. You can argue facts, but I can't argue with you, because you don't use facts. You FEEL that things are going well, so you don't stop to look at whether or not the facts agree. You tell me I need citations, yet you spew citationless bullshit back? Whatever dude. Enjoy your liberal ignorant bliss and don't be bothered by facts. I can understand the appeal of living in a dream world... I just never could unplug myself from reality enough to get there. Send me a post card from time to time. It is occasionally interesting to take a small view into the belief system of the ignorant masses. :flingpoo:

Edited by blacktalon606
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