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School me on Android Tablets


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My iPad 2 has made me not use my laptops at home at all. Unless I need something I have stored. Love it!!


I use my ipad more then my home pc with the exception of PC gaming. Actually PC gaming is the only reason I use my desktop.


That's what I used to say then I bought one and like it, so.. whatever. It does all that I need and then some. 720p video is pretty awesome to have on a phone too.


So does my thunderbolt android phone... but whatever makes you happy bro.

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Word. So since I have an iPhone and a gaming PC, would it be worth getting any of these tablet things? I can't seem to find a reason.


I can't find a reason to have one either. I want one just to want one, but it will just sit there and collect dust. A phone does everything a tablet does plus makes phone calls and fits nicely in your pocket. Apple has successfully scammed the world into believing they need tablets.

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Word. So since I have an iPhone and a gaming PC, would it be worth getting any of these tablet things? I can't seem to find a reason.


Most of my time on the ipad is web browsing (minus flash websites :fuuuu: ), and reading comic books and magazines I bought. I do have a few paid apps like StreamToMe, Starwalk, and a few cool ass games. But really I just lay in my hammock and read maxim, ink'd girls, or CR and just fap :masturboy:

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I can't find a reason to have one either. I want one just to want one, but it will just sit there and collect dust. A phone does everything a tablet does plus makes phone calls and fits nicely in your pocket. Apple has successfully scammed the world into believing they need tablets.


I guess if I were back in college again it would be nice to have one to write notes on or whatever.. but they also have this weird stuff at the store called paper. Maybe I'm just behind the times.


and yeah why would you get an ipad as a pc replacement for browsing? They don't have flash right? dumb.

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I guess if I were back in college again it would be nice to have one to write notes on or whatever.. but they also have this weird stuff at the store called paper. Maybe I'm just behind the times.


and yeah why would you get an ipad as a pc replacement for browsing? They don't have flash right? dumb.


My android phone does flash pretty well for not being a computer. It is always within arms reach when I am using my ipad. The only flash that doesn't work well are flash games... but I use my desktop computer for "Games" so problem? :gabe:

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I have a Nextbook (the borders tablet) and I'm pretty happy with it. Of course, I mostly use it for ebooks which works for me since I'm on the road a lot.


Anything else, I just use my laptop. I never understood spending a ton of money on a tablet when my laptop can do the same and more.

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