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Wireless internet help


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having trouble with my wireless card for my laptop it wont pick up certain networks is there soethign wrong im doing. the network is available as im on it on my phone an my fiances computer.... do you think its the card orrr?
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Ok found the network entered in the password. Now it found it an its good but it bshows that I'm connected but it also says aquiring network address. An won't like connect to a web site.


That happens if the password you entered is wrong. Try again or go into the router change the password and try again.

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That happens if the password you entered is wrong. Try again or go into the router change the password and try again.


Hmm? Anytime we entered the password wrong it wouldn't let us be connected. But once we did get the correct password it connected but keeps saying aquiring yada yada... so I don't think its the wrong password.


Dam this is frustrating

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I am assuming this is your wireless equipment you are connecting to. Do you have enough IP addresses to hand out? I have mine to only allow 10 devices to connect. If yo know the IP address range you are supposed to be getting, you can manually add a known address from the high end of the range so you can test everything and troubleshoot the DHCP later.


They do mane this stuff for dumb people, its called Apple. If you refuse to buy apple products because they are more expensive, you have to know what you are doing to make them work - -true story.

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Have Katie go into the router settings and only transmit wireless through B/G, then reconnect.


wireless B is old technology. This could be your problem paul. Is your card a wireless B only card? is it old?



you cannot connect a wireless B card to wireless G.


You can however switch your router to wireless B so your card will pick it up.

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wireless B is old technology. This could be your problem paul. Is your card a wireless B only card? is it old?



you cannot connect a wireless B card to wireless G.


You can however switch your router to wireless B so your card will pick it up.


i belive its a wireless g




thats the network card


anthony i tried to hav her change settings in her router but she set this up 4 years ago an doesnt remeber the password or user name.. fml

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i belive its a wireless g




thats the network card


anthony i tried to hav her change settings in her router but she set this up 4 years ago an doesnt remeber the password or user name.. fml

70$? :wtf:


reset it by holding the reset button on the back of the router.

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