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gahanna = brokedicks


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A few questions.


Has anyone else noticed that the more you pay the more everything costs?


Is it the people up top being greedy and paying their own salary before worrying about the little people? Or international trade? All of the above???


Cars have been somewhat steady in their cost for a while. What are they doing to prevent v6 mustangs from costing $50k that the government is not?


Where is the source that keeps charging more thats forcing everyone else to charge more? I ask because people that ask for more always say its because someone else is asking them for more. Who started it?


Why cant we find a way to budget our money and use it properly? Every step of the way we ask for more and with the next step we need more.


I'm not into politics at all so please shed some light on it.

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"If kasich didnt cut the local funding as much as he did the budget for gahanna would have balanced out. jus sayin." -BIGGU


"i think its nothing short of fraud, waste and abuse. kasich is putting his dick on the chopping block and making the hard decisions no one else wants to make, albeit unpopular." - You. :)


I'm just looking for what Kasich did (or will be doing) to affect Gahanna...


Ill see what I can dig up for you but since I work for gahanna I got the insider information.




fist line touches it.

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Teachers especially. I'm not following this issue 5 deal close enough to know what they are talking about, but I'm sure it has to do with salary, collective bargaining, etc.


They wanna have their cake and eat it too. They want to make private sector type money, and have a full summer off. Too bad, so sad.


yes true, my girlfriend who is a teacher keeps on saying she wants the school systems reformed, and a lot of the things she has mentioned she wants fixed are listed in SB5 like getting rid of FIFO, merit based pay, more money to the students, etc, the only thing she really is against the bill is reduction in benefits and teachers not being able to negotiate class sizes.

but she hears the rhetoric from the other school teachers who have hatred and anger, and says the whole bill is bad, every part of the bill is bad. She is to biased to really look at what the bill will do.

It surprises me how biased she is when she is such an intelligent woman and usually makes logical educated decisions when she researches issues, but She has not truly researched this issue, if she did I think she would vote to keep it once its on the ballot.

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Kasich is on about the same level as a Troll on this website. You think schools are shit right now? Wait until he is done, all the good teachers are trying to leave ohio.


It cracks me up when people make statements about what teachers or administrators in schools get paid. You have no idea what they have to deal with or the hours they really do work. A good teacher is at school early and stays late to help kids out. Adminstrators don't get the same amount of time off, and actually work more hours than what the public sees.


Keep drinking the Kasich kool-aid, just don't bitch when he as run this state into the ground.

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Kasich is on about the same level as a Troll on this website. You think schools are shit right now? Wait until he is done, all the good teachers are trying to leave ohio.


It cracks me up when people make statements about what teachers or administrators in schools get paid. You have no idea what they have to deal with or the hours they really do work. A good teacher is at school early and stays late to help kids out. Adminstrators don't get the same amount of time off, and actually work more hours than what the public sees.


Keep drinking the Kasich kool-aid, just don't bitch when he as run this state into the ground.


For as much as Kasich needs to defend his corporate tax breaks and high-income incentives, and for as many times as he says "if we raise taxes we're going to push job-seekers out of Ohio!", you'd think he would understand the point you just made.


Teachers should be some of the highest paid public servants. How much would you want to be paid if your job was to essentially babysit 20-30 bratty little kids every day? What if your employer told you that due to budget cuts, you're not getting a raise this year and oh by the way now you're going to have to babysit 25-35 kids because of those cuts.


I'm so glad I got my education in TAXACHUSETTS where they value citizen's health and education.

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Kasich is on about the same level as a Troll on this website. You think schools are shit right now? Wait until he is done, all the good teachers are trying to leave ohio.


It cracks me up when people make statements about what teachers or administrators in schools get paid. You have no idea what they have to deal with or the hours they really do work. A good teacher is at school early and stays late to help kids out. Adminstrators don't get the same amount of time off, and actually work more hours than what the public sees.


Keep drinking the Kasich kool-aid, just don't bitch when he as run this state into the ground.


Truth 101 just got laid down on all of your asses. :fuckyeah:


First we get Kasich, and rezoning due to the census means we might lose Kucinich. :no:

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still a lot of ignorance is being said.

SB5 does not reduce teacher pay, it removes step increases, and adds job performance as a factor. Other value added items like degree or certifications (that are already in existence when it comes to pay) are not touched, they are still considered when a teacher gets paid.

so when a teacher gets a raise their job performance is looked at instead of their seniority. Who here can disagree that it is not the way it should be, but instead bad teachers are untouched because of their seniority.

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Good Teachers should be some of the highest paid public servants.



How much would you want to be paid if your job was to essentially babysit 20-30 bratty little kids every day? What if your employer told you that due to budget cuts, you're not getting a raise this year and oh by the way now you're going to have to babysit 25-35 kids because of those cuts.


How does that apply to teachers? :confused:

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Kasich is on about the same level as a Troll on this website. You think schools are shit right now? Wait until he is done, all the good teachers are trying to leave ohio.


It cracks me up when people make statements about what teachers or administrators in schools get paid. You have no idea what they have to deal with or the hours they really do work. A good teacher is at school early and stays late to help kids out. Adminstrators don't get the same amount of time off, and actually work more hours than what the public sees.


Keep drinking the Kasich kool-aid, just don't bitch when he as run this state into the ground.


1. No they're not. I know a ton of teachers, including family members, and none of them are leaving. They're worried about merit pay (especially my sister since she has all of the ED kids) but they aren't just looking for a way out.


2. I know what they get paid and think it's completely fair for the amount of hours they work and what they deal with. They enjoy their summers off while the rest of us fools continue to work.


3. Keep drinking the anti-Kasich kool-aid. You forget that many of the decisions that put our education system in its current state were made by the federal government. Stop blaming the states and look toward the real culprit. Kasich is doing the best he can with what he has been given.

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1. No they're not. I know a ton of teachers, including family members, and none of them are leaving. They're worried about merit pay (especially my sister since she has all of the ED kids) but they aren't just looking for a way out.


2. I know what they get paid and think it's completely fair for the amount of hours they work and what they deal with. They enjoy their summers off while the rest of us fools continue to work.


3. Keep drinking the anti-Kasich kool-aid. You forget that many of the decisions that put our education system in its current state were made by the federal government. Stop blaming the states and look toward the real culprit. Kasich is doing the best he can with what he has been given.

so good i had to quote it.

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How does that apply to teachers? :confused:


Thank you for the correction. Yes good teachers deserve merit based pay increases.


It applies to teachers because they are essentially the only authority a kid has for 8 hours a day. My uncle was a teacher (good at first, got jaded with the system and became very very crappy later on) in the Hartford, CT high school system. It was unbelievable to me the first time I visited his classes. Several kids had an average of below 10 (out of 100) in their classes. School was the only thing keeping these kids out of the streets doing drugs and getting into a lot of shit, which many more dropped out of school to do.

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Thank you for the correction. Yes good teachers deserve merit based pay increases.



That would be great in a perfect and fair society. It's the public school system however, so teachers = another state worker. The public schools in America could be 20 times better, but in the same token, there are private schools. With everything in this country, you have a choice.

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Guest Spam

Anyone here on the news about Atlanta teachers and school staff promoting cheating to raise city school test scores? Yea thats what itll be like soon.


Thank god i went to school 9 years ago where teachers still gave a damn and had morals and actually taught the old saying, "not everyone can hold a scalpel."


I think we have gotten too far away from that nowadays.

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Anyone here on the news about Atlanta teachers and school staff promoting cheating to raise city school test scores? Yea thats what itll be like soon.


Thank god i went to school 9 years ago where teachers still gave a damn and had morals and actually taught the old saying, "not everyone can hold a scalpel."


I think we have gotten too far away from that nowadays.


Again, federal government. The whole "teaching to the test" phenomenon is killing education quickly. Maybe the government should stick within its constitutional limitations.

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Guest Spam
Absolutely agree. Bush made the mistake passing "Never leave a child behind." Obama should, if he was a good president, would try to remove that bill. No school was leaving the wrong child behind. They were leaving behind the ones who didnt want a free education.
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1. No they're not. I know a ton of teachers, including family members, and none of them are leaving. They're worried about merit pay (especially my sister since she has all of the ED kids) but they aren't just looking for a way out.


2. I know what they get paid and think it's completely fair for the amount of hours they work and what they deal with. They enjoy their summers off while the rest of us fools continue to work.


3. Keep drinking the anti-Kasich kool-aid. You forget that many of the decisions that put our education system in its current state were made by the federal government. Stop blaming the states and look toward the real culprit. Kasich is doing the best he can with what he has been given.



1. You have your data from direct sources, I have mine including family in the teaching world. They have co-workers trying to leave, and student teachers saying they doubt they will stay.


2. My mom and uncle who both work as principals put in 12 hour days on a regular basis. Both have had death threats from kids and their parents, but I am sure you know of stuff like this.


3. You are correct, the federal government and the "testin makes good kids" idea is a joke. Kasich is just going about all of this the wrong way.


4. I like even numbers

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