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Who has been down??


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My first bike, a little Honda vertical twin. I used to rip corners and dump it. Mostly on purpose. (Easy to do back then, the tires had no stick.) It never hurt it much, and I learned how to lay it down gently, and roll off, spin around, and slide feet first. Used up a lot of jeans, wallets, pocket combs, etc. Ground them off my butt. Used to stuff paper in my back pockets. Stranger yet, we used to wrap rags around our knees for touching pavement. You just don't know what you were missing. At least it didn't cost near as much as now.

Beyond that, just a couple of sudden stops, or parking lot errors. Caught most going down, but not all.

I did flip a scrambler end over end once, but considering it landed on it's wheels and kept going without me, I might not count that one either.

So not all of them are down, two of mine were up, heh... Yeah, I used to get airborne, on purpose or not. I even dumped one scrambler going backwards. I startled myself so bad, I took off in reverse. Try that sometime.

Oh yeah, bell bottom jeans or boot cuts aren't compatible with kick starters. I jammed one down over my kick starter once, at a stop light. I fell over before I could think what to do about it. Must have been funny to see.

Back-in-the-day... people used to reach over and quietly lock the doors on the car, when a motorcycle was around them. Now-a-days youse guys don't stick around long enough to see that.

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Been down on the pegs a lot, but only came off the bike once from laying it down and that was on ice. (yeah, I know you are supposed to let go and not stand it back up, I didn't try, I just did it. Too much riding mountain bikes and horses and it was instinct. I will probably high side it one day as a result, and still do it again.)

Once over the handle bars... very amusing story, but I have told it too many times. Short version: Matt's bike is POS. Matt impatient. Bike meets curb. Matt gets pilots license, then eats dirt. Everyone but Matt laughs uproariously. Fuck.


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Down more times than Flounder on a 14 year boy. It's a reality that comes with motorcycles. Between the dirt and track, I've eaten ground burgers enough times to be pretty over it all.

Being knocked out for minutes on end, waking up every morning because the shoulders are fucked, having to limp 4-5 steps on the left foot from being crunched, etc. It gets pretty old before too long...

Just never crashed on the street (knock on wood) and am really glad I haven't. You all need to be safe out there and use your heads as if every cager is trying to kill you. For you track guys who race and track day, get used to it. Some are easy and some are hard. Either way, it sucks... Especially if it is your fault... It's easy if you are taken out. You can get back on and ride easily enough...

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Technically twice; one time during the figure-8's during my MSF course, but it wasn't so much a 'wreck' as an 'oh the bike wants to fall, I'll step off the left peg and let it do it's thing so I save a scrape on the knee'. The second time was maybe 2 or 3 weeks after buying my bike, I was braking while turning into a parking lot and hit some gravel; front end washed out doing about 10 mph tops. Almost entirely cosmetic damage, and the only lasting injury is a thumb that never healed properly and that I don't have full range of motion in. Small price to pay and a good lesson learned.

Hopefully that's my first and last time down on the street...but you know what they say about riders in their third season of riding...


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Once here..... had a dip turn in front of me. Grabbed a handful on the front brake (I know, bad idea) , but felt that was better than the alternative. Front washed out and laid down pretty smooth on the left side.... all I could do is slide along and watch my 3 DAY OLD paint job be ground off! Ground a little on the knee and nothin else........ had all my gear on. Orange bike, orange and white jacket, head light on.... and the dip said "I didn't see him." christ

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I went down on my pocket bike once..does that count??? :-D Stupid handle bars broke when i was going around a curve. I was going about 15-20mph and honestly think it hurt worse wrecking on that then if I was going the same speed on my RR. So far i've been lucky on my RR, but after having 2 back surgeries I don't push it as much when I do ride now!

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Been down in the dirt plenty.. Down on the street once.. Overrun into a field once.

And down on the track once with many close calls. I discount the track crash because I was running from lizard while he was chasing me and waving a dildo wildly through T11

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Been down in the dirt plenty.. Down on the street once.. Overrun into a field once.

And down on the track once with many close calls. I discount the track crash because I was running from lizard while he was chasing me and waving a dildo wildly through T11

Essentially, it can now be said that Flounder confirmed what we all expected... After all, he just basically said he went down with a cock in his hand... Weird that he would publicly state that, but at least we all are aware now...

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Essentially, it can now be said that Flounder confirmed what we all expected... After all, he just basically said he went down with a cock in his hand... Weird that he would publicly state that, but at least we all are aware now...

You sir are the weakest link...

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Twice for me. First on required pins in my wrist, second one required me getting a BMW R1100RT with ABS, and sold the p.o.s Harley. First time was without a helmet or gloves, second time I was better equiped.:)

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