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A small request: support deployed gearheads!


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Hi Folks,


We have a decent amount of gear heads here that haven't seen the good stuff from Columbus. I'm more then willing to send out a geek stick or small HDD to anyone who's willing to send it to my local address in the states (saves you from having to send it to APO/customs/etc)


So, I ask, is there any on here that has a collections of racing vids?


Maybe a few people could hand it off to build an uber collection?


I'd be more then willing to fly a flag here for CR.




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Linn, thanks for the links but streaming sites are blocked and bandwidth is set aside for the war. It's worse then 56K here, I have to load CR with images turned off.


Shitty, I pulled my site down awhile ago so I don't have any videos uploaded to my old server.

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Phil -I don't think they'll be picky about dates :)


Brian - We are turning out the lights here and should be finished with this mission in March of 2012.

Nate - I'll hook you up. PM me how you want to do this. I'll check my old hard drive to see what I still have.

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