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Cut off their hands!


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So I was out at an evening charity event and rode the bike. I was going to lock my jacket onto the bike with my python lock but I just kept it on because it was an outdoor event so it wasn't too hot. Stuffed gloves in the helmet and locked the helmet. Came back a few hours later after the even ended and my helmet and gloves are gone............Why the heck would you cut the strap and take a strapless helmet? And the gloves weren't anything special but c'mon! Stealing outside of a chairity event!!! I hate thieves, that's like breaking into someones car to steal their seabelts! So now I have to spend $$$ on a new helmet. I'm gonna be on the look out on craigslist, even though its a shot in the dark but I think that if you are caught stealing something like that you should have your hands removed.
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